Friday,  09/20/2024

Leader of Provincial People’s Committee inspected at Doc Quyt Integrated Control Station

(LSO) – On July 20, the delegation of the Provincial People’s Committee led by Mr. Duong Xuan Huyen, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, inspected the implementation of the tasks in the first 6 months and the tasks of the last 6 months of 2020 of Doc Quyt Integrated Control Station.

According to the report at the inspection session, in the first 6 months of 2020, due to the effects of the Covid-19 epidemic, import-export goods transported through Doc Quyt Integrated Control Station decreased compared to the same period in 2019.

The station often collaborates with functional units to exchange information and manage the traffic through the station. In particular, the station coordinated with the provincial police force to arrest 2 subjects transporting 16 bars of drugs; coordinated functional forces to inspect 49 cases, 47 administrative sanctions; the main violations are trading smuggled goods, trading of imported goods with original labels in foreign languages ​​but without labels in Vietnamese etc.

Mr. Duong Xuan Huyen, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee delivered a speech at the inspection

At the inspection, Doc Quyt Integrated Control Station proposed to the Provincial People’s Committee to consider to grant a specialized car for the station to be proactive and timely in preventing smuggling, trade frauds, fake goods and goods with low quality; Provincial People’s Committee directed functional branches to consider to place signs to limit speed at the section of national highways passing through stations.

Concluding at the inspection, Vice Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee requested Doc Quyt Integrated Control Station to continue to strictly implement the direction of the Prime Minister, the 389 National Steering Committee, the Provincial People’s Committee and the 389 Provincial Steering Committee on preventing smuggling, trade fraud and fake goods.

Station leaders need to strengthen management and education of political ideology, morality, lifestyle, improve professional qualifications, sense of responsibility, working style for officials; regularly inspect and supervise officials in the performance of their official duties, in daily life, prevent acts of protecting, encouraging smuggling and promptly correct violation expressions; at the same time strictly handle cases of irresponsibility in performing tasks and violating working regulations.

Along with that, the station needs to create favorable conditions for goods export activities, coordinate to manage the means of transporting export goods, ensuring no congestion at the station area.

Agencies and units should seriously implement the selection and mobilization of officials to work at the stations to ensure the conditions on qualifications, health and age as prescribed.

Customs Department, Border Guard Command, Provincial Public Security Department, Market Management Department, Tax Department enhance inspection and handling of transporting smuggled goods via border trails and gathering points , means of transporting smuggled goods, acts of taking advantage of sale invoices to legalize smuggled goods; strengthen inspection and handling the violations of changes in vehicle structure, cargo in the passenger compartment, violations of speed for vehicle owners, operators of vehicles etc.