Friday,  09/20/2024

Texting campaign launched to support AO/dioxin victims

(VNA) – A texting campaign was launched in Hanoi on July 30 to raise funds in support of Agent Orange (AO)/dioxin victims.
Participants take part in the campaign at the launching ceremony (Photo: suckhoedoisong.vn)

The Central Committee of the Vietnam Association of Victims of Agent Orange/dioxin (VAVA) and the National Humanitarian Portal 1400 called on organisations and individuals nationwide to support the campaign by texting DA CAM to 1409 between now and September 24.

Each message means a donation worth 20,000 VND to the victims.

All money raised will be used to repair houses for AO/dioxin victims as well as provide them with health treatment, medicine, vocational training, and saving books.

Speaking at the launching ceremony, VAVA Chairman Nguyen Van Rinh said the association has run the SMS campaign for eight years, collecting over 19.3 billion VND (833,600 USD) in total.

He hoped the community and organisations to join hands with the VAVA in conducting more charity activities.

On the occasion, the association presented certificates of merit to collectives and individual in recognition of their assistance to AO/dioxin victims in 2018 as well as handed over gift packages to victims who overcame difficulties and illness to stabilise their lives.

More information on the programme can be obtained by contacting the hotline 19001530 or sending emails to cong1400@vtc.vn. People can also contact the VAVA Central Committee, headquartered at No.35, Ho Me Tri street, Nhan Chinh ward, Thanh Xuan district, Hanoi, via its phone number 024 6265 2645.

Money can also be donated to the bank account of the Vietnam AO/Dioxin Victims Fund 0031101234005 at the Military Commercial Joint Stock Bank – Thanh Xuan branch.