Friday,  09/20/2024

Building a safe, civilized and modern pedestrian street

(LSO) – Ky Lua Pedestrian Street, Lang Son city is expected to be in operation from mid-October 2020. In order for the street to operate in a safe, civilized and modern manner, the Pedestrian Street Management Board has been actively implementing plans to arrange parking and accommodation for tourists; ensure security and order, fire and explosion prevention, environmental hygiene and so on.

Ky Lua Pedestrian Street, Lang Son city has been built by the City People’s Committee since mid-June 2020 and is expected to come into operation from October 16, 2020. The pedestrian street is expected to contribute to promoting the trade, services and tourism development in the area, promoting the city’s tourism image to domestic and foreign tourists. This is also the work towards the 70th anniversary of Lang Son city’s liberation (October 17, 1950 – October 17, 2020).

In that sense, over the past time, the construction of the pedestrian street has received great attention from the people. In order for the pedestrian street to operate smoothly, it is not only necessary to complete work items but also it is required to take into account many issues such as arranging parking spots for residents and tourists; guaranteeing accommodation for tourists; ensuring security and order, fire and explosion prevention and so on.

The leaders of Lang Son city inspected the progress and directed the implementation of works at Ky Lua Pedestrian Street at the end of August 2020

Therefore, right from the beginning of construction, the Pedestrian Street Management Board has been interested in these issues. Currently, the Pedestrian Street Management Board has arranged five parking spots around the area with a total area of ​​3,500 m2. Through research and comparison with Kim Dong Pedestrian Street, Cao Bang city which has a length of 644 m, five parking lots (1,800 m2), meeting the needs of about 6,000 to 10,000 tourists on weekends, Ky Lua Pedestrian Street in Lang Son city with the length of 1,300 m, five parking lots (3,500 m2) for about 2,000 tourists (in the pilot phase) is completely within the ability. In addition, the Management Board has planned an additional car park at 2 Tam Thanh Street to serve the sudden increase in visitors when there are major events and festivals held at the pedestrian street.

Along with the arrangement of parking spots, security and order ensuring, fire and explosion prevention in the pedestrian street space receive particular attention. Mr. Luu Quang Dao, Vice Chairman of the People’s Committee of Hoang Van Thu Ward, Head of the Pedestrian Street Security and Order Team said that the Security and Order Team includes many forces such as traffic police, criminal police, officers and ward police and so on. Currently, they have built a working plan at 11 key points, which are key areas in the street, with about 20 to 25 officers and soldiers on duty every day. At the same time, the team coordinates with the Management Board of the Night Market and Ky Lua Market to arrange 16 fire extinguishers at eight points in the area, combining with the propaganda that each household business should equip themselves with fire extinguishers to prevent many possible situations. To easily monitor activities inside the street, the People’s Committee of Hoang Van Thu Ward is installing 24 security cameras and will arrange eight surveillance officers at the function room and so on.

The leaders of Lang Son city checked the progress of works at Ky Lua Pedestrian Street at the end of August 2020

To ensure accommodation for tourists, the city currently has 119 accommodation establishments with 2,104 rooms; Hoang Van Thu ward alone has 27 establishments with 358 rooms. In which, 32 establishments are rated with star-level quality (26.89%); 76 standard guesthouses (63.87%). With the above basis, according to the assessment of the City Culture and Information Division, it basically meets the needs of tourists in the first phase of the project. When the number of tourists increases, the City People’s Committee will have a plan to mobilize and support people around the area to newly build and renovate guesthouses and hotels to meet the needs of tourists.

The operation of Ky Lua Pedestrian Street is expected to make great breakthroughs in Lang Son city’s economic and tourism development like other localities all over the country. Mrs. Nong Bich Diep, Vice Chairwoman of the City People’s Committee, Head of Ky Lua Pedestrian Street, said that currently, the city is completing infrastructure, decorating the space in the pedestrian street area, ensuring the following criteria: safe, civilized, modern, etc,. so that people and tourists have a place to have fun and enjoy Xu Lang’s unique cultural space.

In addition to selling food, souvenirs, the Management Board will organize culture – music activities – folk games, exhibitions of paintings and photos; invite culture – sports clubs to participate in activities in the pedestrian street. It is expected that during the pilot operation period (from October 2020 to October 2021), the Management Board will organize at least from 15 to 20 major cultural events such as food festivals; folk song, folk dance festivals; exchange with clubs inside and outside the province and so on.

Ky Lua Pedestrian Street Project, Lang Son city was approved according to Decision No. 1118/QĐ-UBND of the Provincial People’s Committee dated June 12, 2020. Accordingly, the streets to build the pedestrian street include streets around Ky Lua market such as Bac Son, Le Lai, Luong Van Tri, Tran Quoc Toan streets with a total length of 1,300 m. In the pedestrian street space, there will be many activities such as food shopping, Lang Son’s specialties; arts and culture performances; folk game performances and so on from 18:00 to 24:00 on Fridays, Saturdays and on major holidays.