Friday,  09/20/2024

Art and musical exchange to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the victory of the fight titled “1950 Fall-Winter Border”

(LSO) – In the evening of October 6, 2020, at Dao Vien commune, Trang Dinh district, the Steering Committee for anniversaries and important events of Lang Son province in 2019 – 2020 held a visit and exchange program including performing arts and music to entertain local people and soldiers in border areas on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the victory of the fight titled “1950 Fall-Winter Border”

The program was attended by Mr. Duong Xuan Huyen, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, Head of the Steering Committee for anniversaries and important events of Lang Son province in 2019-2020 and leaders of a number of provincial departments, sectors, and unions. of the province, as well as leaders of Trang Dinh district’s leaders and officials, soldiers, local people in the area.

Mr. Duong Xuan Huyen, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee giving remarks  at the opening ceremony of the program

Speaking at opening ceremony of the program, the Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee affirmed the stature, position and great historical significance of the fight titled “1950 Fall-Winter Border”. It is always considered as a great spiritual motivation for the Party Committee, the army and people of Lang Son ethnic groups strive to rise in the work of building Lang Son homeland and to achieve many new achievements.

Performances performed by the Provincial Center of Culture and Arts

The Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee emphasized that the program was one of a series of meaningful activities aimed at reviewing the historical tradition of the 1950s Autumn-Winter Border Victory of the army and people, including the contribution of the army and people of Trang Dinh district. The program contributed to creating a joyful and exciting atmosphere and tightening the solidarity between the army and the local people. The program also improved the cultural and spiritual life for soldiers and people in the border areas.

Mr. Duong Xuan Huyen, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee and  leaders of Trang Dinh district presenting gifts to so called policy families, poor students obtaining good academic achievements in Dao Vien commune

Mr. Duong Xuan Huyen, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee presenting gifts to soldiers of Binh Nghi Border Guard

The performing arts program included 12 dance and singing performances aimed to praise the Fatherland, the Glorious Party, beloved Uncle Ho, the love for the homeland and the country performed by singers and actors of the Provincial Center of Culture and Arts and the Provincial Cross border  Army.

The performances were meticulously and vividly prepared and received enthusiastic cheers from the audience. In addition, the audience learned more about the fight titled “1950 Fall-Winter Border” through watching more than 70 photos displayed at the program.

On this occasion, the Organizing Committee presented gifts to officers and soldiers of Binh Nghi Border Guard, families titled “Policy Familes” and students with disadvantageous circumstances but achieving good academic achievements in Dao Vien commune.