Friday,  09/20/2024

Lang Son: civil work model helps promote army-people solidarity

(LSO) – The Party Committee and the Border Guard High Command of Lang Son province have built a model of civil works, which helps ensure living conditions for locals and contributes to promoting new-style rural area building movement in the locality, as well as to enhancing solidarity between the people and the army, ensuring political security, social order and safety in border areas, and firmly safeguarding the national sovereignty and border security.

The  Po Ma border station is managing the two communes of Quoc Khanh and Doi Can (Trang Dinh district). In recent times, officers and soldiers of the station have closely worked with the localities’ Party organizations, authorities and residents to mobilize all resources for the new-style rural area building programme and the model. In the first seven months of this year, the station helped locals in Ban Chang village, Doi Can commune, to build a concrete road with a total length of 190m, meeting new rural standards.

Not only joining hands to build new-style rural areas, officers and soldiers of the station also helped locals build their houses.

In a new house built with the support from the border guards and handed over to his family in June, Dinh Van Chiu in Na Bang hamlet, Quoc Khanh commune, expressed his gratitude to the border guard station for their help.

The 63sq. m. house was built of concrete bricks, with a total expense of 110 million VND, including 70 million VND funded by the station.

Officers and soldiers of the Thanh Loa border station  (Cao Loc district) and people  join  in a project of building rural road.

For the border guard station at the Chi Ma border gate, from the beginning of this year, the unit actively called on and mobilized enterprises operating at the border gate to join hands in supporting policy beneficiary families and poor families with difficult housing conditions in the area. As a result, 16 businesses enthusiastically responded and provided support worth 110 million VND. Particularly officers and soldiers voluntarily contributed nearly 62 million VND.

With the financial assistance, the Chi Ma border gate’s border station coordinated with the authority of Yen Khoai commune, Loc Binh district, to build a charitable house for Mrs. Hoang Thi Se in Quan Phat village – a relative of a revolutionary martyr’s family.

Construction of the house started in May and completed on July 26.

Major Hoang Trung Hieu, political commissar and vice head of the station said during the construction process, officers and soldiers of the station provided over 50 working days to demolish the old house, transport construction materials, level the ground and clean the surroundings. The house was completed earlier than the set plan. It was handed over to Se’s family on the occasion of the 72nd anniversary of the War Invalids and Martyrs Day on July 27, 2019.

The model is one the ways to concretize the implementation of the Politburo’s Directive No. 05-CT/TW on promoting the learning of and following the ideologymorality and style of late President Ho Chi Minh of the provincial Border Guard High Command.

Colonel Trinh Huu Tang, political commissar of the provincial Border Guard High Command, affirmed the model was piloted basing on practical actions of the provincial force in advising and coordinating with the provincial Party Committee and the authorities of the border communes and towns in directing and organizing the construction of civil works and infrastructure systems to serve locals, contributing to promoting socio-economic development in border areas.

In the first eight months of 2019, the provincial Border Guard High Command contributed over 700 working days, helping build more than 8km of rural roads and dredge 2.5 km of irrigation canals. The unit also built and handed over six new houses to policy beneficiary families and those with difficult circumstances in border areas.