Friday,  09/20/2024

Lang Son leaders inspect preparations for commemorating 110th birth anniversary of Hoang Van Thu

(LSO) – On September 3, a working delegation, led by Pham Ngoc Thuong, Vice Secretary of the provincial Party Committee and Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee, examined the preparation for a ceremony marking the 110th birth anniversary of Hoang Van Thu in Van Lang district and Lang Son city.

Inspected sites included the road leading to the Hoang Van Thu memorial site in Van Lang district, facilities at the memorial site, and the Hoang Van Thu Monument in Lang Son city.

During the inspection, the Lang Son Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism reported the overall preparation for the anniversary, while the provincial Transport Department briefed the delegation on the progress of upgrading the DH7 Tan My – Hoang Van Thu road.

The People’s Committee of Van Lang district informed the delegation on the pace of the project on improving the memorial site, its difficulties, and related solutions.

Pham Ngoc Thuong, Vice Secretary of the provincial Party Committee and Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee, inspects upgraded facilities inside the Hoang Van Thu memorial site in Van Lang district.

Pham Ngoc Thuong, Vice Secretary of the provincial Party Committee and Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee, examines the Hoang Van Thu monument site in Lang Son city.

The People’s Committee of Lang Son city, meanwhile, presented a local project on upgrading the monument and the memorial house dedicated to the late revolutionary leader at No 8, Chinh Cai Street, in Lang Son city.

Speaking at the session, Thuong urged authorities at provincial, district, city and commune levels to focus their leadership and guidance on specific and effective tasks in preparation for the commemoration.

Local departments and sectors as well as the people’s committees of Van Lang and Lang Son city were assigned to work together to inspect the pace of relevant projects. The provincial People’s Committee launched an emulation campaign on the occasion, while the Lang Son newspaper, radio and television were tasked with promptly covering news on the celebration.

Pham Ngoc Thuong, Vice Secretary of the provincial Party Committee and Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee, speaks at a meeting during the inspection.

The Transport Department and Van Lang district were asked to speed up progress of the construction on the road to the Hoang Van Thu memorial site. The Department of Culture, Sports, and Tourism, meanwhile, is required to make recommendations to the provincial authorities on holding a serious, practical and cost-saving commemoration ceremony.