Friday,  09/20/2024

The “soul keeper” of the national intangible cultural heritage

– That is artist Ngo Van Xuan, born in 1955, living in Go Mam village, Yen Thinh commune, Huu Lung district, who has contributed to the restoration of the Tro Ngo festival. With 34 years of continuously preserving and promoting this festival heritage, he was awarded the title of excellent artist for his outstanding contribution in preserving and promoting the national cultural heritage.

In the mid-March of 2022, during a business trip to Yen Thinh commune, Huu Lung district, we had the opportunity to meet the excellent artist Ngo Van Xuan. Through conversation with him, we can feel his enthusiasm, responsibility and love for the legacy of the Tro Ngo festival. Currently, he is the keeper of all books and documents about the Tro Ngo festival, including the ones about the sacrifice ceremony, festival, performances and history books of Tro Ngo. Mr. Xuan said: “Born and raised in a land with bold traditional cultural identity, I had been following my grandfather and my father to the relics and festivals of the commune. Particularly, it was Tro Ngo festival that left the deepest impression on me. Therefore, later, with my existing passion, I was determined to learn and pass on the good values ​​of the festival to the next generations.”

Excellent artist Ngo Van Xuan (left) popularizes and promotes the value of the Tro Ngo festival to the people

Accordingly, during the period from 1988 to 1992, Mr. Xuan was guided by the elderly in the commune to record documents, papers and other contents related to Tro Ngo festival. On that basis, he kept the records (including oration books; the books on eight generals of Diamond; the performance of intellectual – famer – worker – trader; history books; books on Tro Ngo…); how to do Dam Dance – Eight Generals of Diamond; how to make the frame of the festival and plant 24 flags, Ba Dau fort (the fort of the enemy)… Between 1993 and 1996, he and the local government encouraged the people to restore Tro Ngo festival; building a temple to worship Vu Loi Quan Cong. In 1998, Tro Ngo festival was restored after many years of hiatus.

Along with that, over the past time, Mr. Xuan regularly participates in performances of customs, practices, excerpts of festivals… and has achieved many results. Typically, he has achieved gold medal at the 4th Festival of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Lang Son ethnic groups in 2008 with the excerpt named “The force fights the enemy to save the people and help the country” of Tro Ngo festival. Prize B for the performance “An excerpt from Tro Ngo Festival” in the 5th Festival of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Lang Son ethnic groups in 2010; Prize A for the performance of “Traditional Festival” at the 6th Festival of Culture, Sports and Tourism of Lang Son ethnic groups in 2013…

At the same time, with the hope that this cultural heritage will not be lost, over the years, Mr. Xuan has actively been teaching and guiding 41 people who are the head of 12 families in the recording of documents, papers and other festival-related contents. After studying, his students are able to master and practice a number of contents related to the organization of the festival. In addition, Mr. Xuan also provides information for cultural research groups when they want to learn about the festival. For example, in 2001, he provided information for author Doan Trung Dien to complete his Master’s thesis with the topic “Tro Ngo Festival, Giang village, Yen Thinh commune, Huu Lung district, Lang Son province”.

Mr. Khong Hong Minh, Head of Culture and Information Division of Huu Lung district, said: “Over the years, the preservation and promotion of cultural values ​​in the district has received a significant contribution from artist Ngo Van Xuan. With his passion and enthusiasm, he has studied, recorded, collected, restored and contributed to making Tro Ngo festival a national heritage.”

With his contribution, in 2015, Mr. Ngo Van Xuan was honored to be conferred the title of Excellent Artist by the President of the State in the form of “Traditional festival” for his outstanding contribution in preserving and promoting cultural heritage of the nation, contributing to the cause of building socialism and defending the Fatherland. In 2021, he was awarded a certificate by the Director of the Provincial Museum for his donation of artifacts (10 artifacts).