Friday,  09/20/2024

Reviewing 3 years of implementing the project on preserving and developing the value of peach trees and organizing the Xu Lang Peach Blossom Festival

– On April 5, at the Provincial Arts and Culture Center, the Provincial People’s Committee held a conference to review the 3-year implementation of the project on preserving and developing the value of peach trees and organizing the Xu Lang Peach Blossom Festival.

Mr. Duong Xuan Huyen, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee chaired the conference.

Mr. Duong Xuan Huyen, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee speaks at the conference

Attending the conference were leaders of the Propaganda and Education Commission of  Provincial Party Committee, Provincial Fatherland Front Committee, departments, commissions, sectors, Provincial Literature and Arts Association, experts, researchers, gardeners…

According to the report, during more than 3 years of implementing the project on preserving and developing the value of peach trees and organizing the Xu Lang Peach Blossom Festival, the perception of all levels, sectors and classes of the people has changed positively.

The planning, conservation, development of space and expansion of the peach growing area in the province have been effectively implemented. By the end of 2021, the total peach growing area is estimated at over 560 hectares (5.7 times higher than the area in 2017).

The approach and application of science and technology to the conservation, planting and care of peach trees and peach blossoms has been invested with many topics, projects and tasks being implemented, accepted and highly appreciated.

The deader of the Provincial People’s Committee presented certificates of merit to excellent units

Regarding the peach blossom festival, from 2018 up to now, Xu Lang Peach Blossom Festival has been held with appropriate content and scale, attracting a large number of tourists inside and outside the province, becoming a typical highlight and an important cultural activity of Xu Lang every spring.

At the conference, the delegates discussed and shared experiences, good practices in implementing the project such as solutions to develop and replicate the commercial peach garden model; coordination in building tours and tourist routes associated with peach trees and peach blossom; developing, expanding the production and distributing commercial trees…

Speaking at the conference, the Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee requested departments, commissions, sectors, mass organizations, district-level People’s Committees, organizations and individuals to continue following to the goals, tasks and solutions of the project, to strengthen the leadership, direction and participation of all levels and sectors, especially the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism; promoting the advertisement and enhancement of the peach blossom brand in Xu Lang.

Leaders of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism award certificates of merit to excellent collectives

All levels and sectors should adjust and orient the scale, type and area of ​​peach growing areas in accordance with the local socio-economic development planning, closely follow the project’s planning; study policies to support market development; promote the application of science and technology to conservation and promotion of the value of peach blossoms; continue to develop the brand of Xu Lang peach blossom.

In addition, the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism was required to research and innovate on the content and form of organizing cultural and tourist events associated with the Xu Lang Peach Blossom Festival, in which attention should be paid to mobilizing socialization, researching and developing souvenirs and gifts from peach trees.

In the conference, 10 units received certificates of merit from the Provincial People’s Committee; 6 units and 8 individuals received certificates of merit from the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism for their outstanding achievements in implementing the Project on preserving and developing the value of peach trees and organizing the Xu Lang Peach Blossom Festival.