Friday,  09/20/2024

Lang Son awards winners of provincial innovative startup contest

(LSO) – One first, one second and two third prizes as well as two honourable mentions were awarded to the winners of the innovative startup contest of Lang Son province on September 19.

 The contest was part of the provincial innovative startup festival on the same day which focused on the theme “Lang Son’s potential and aspiration for innovative startup.” It drew 50 ideas and products of organisations and individuals in the province. The entries covered various areas in manufacturing, business and services.

Vice Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Duong Xuan Huyen launches the innovative startup contest 2020.

The festival comprised various activities, including a forum on innovative startup, an exhibition of innovative startup ideas, models and projects and the final round and award ceremony of the province’s innovative startup contest.

At the award ceremony, delegates talked with startup supporting experts from the Ministry of Science and Technology, advisors of the national startup programme and several businesses in the province about experience in startup and renewing business models.

Experts from businesses and the national innovative programme talk with delegates at the award ceremony.

Speaking at the event, Vice Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Duong Xuan Huyen spoke highly of the coordination with high sense of responsibility among local departments and agencies to successfully host the festival.

This year’s festival attracted a large number of individuals and organisations, particularly highschool and undergraduate students, he said, adding that it is very encouraging and will help spread the startup spirit among local people.

Vice Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Duong Xuan Huyen presents the first prize to Lieu Van Toan from Van Quan High School for his idea to produce anise-flavoured soap and shower gel.

He moved on to ask local Party’s Commitees and authorities at all levels to pay more attention to effectively promote innovative startup campaign.

The provincial leader also urged the authorities, scientists, schools, businesses, experts and investors to support innovative startup ideas and models with priority given to those which are most feasible and effective./.