Friday,  09/20/2024

The solid backline for workers

With the motto “Where it is difficult, there is a trade union”, over the past time, trade union organizations in the province have well promoted their role in protecting the legitimate rights and interests of party members and workers, become a solid fulcrum for workers to feel secure in their work, labor, production, and strive to fulfill their assigned tasks well.

 Helping union members to “settle their life and work”

 Mrs. Chu Thi Thanh, a member of the grassroots trade union, Bao Long Co., Ltd. is the main employee in a family of 3. While working, she took care of her young children and sick husband. Therefore, the family is very difficult, many years in the old, dilapidated house. Faced with that situation, the Executive Committee of the Company’s Trade Union asked the superior trade union to support Ms. Thanh with funds to repair the house. Mrs. Thanh said: With the support of 20 million VND from the union, I borrowed more relatives and friends to repair my house… After more than 1 month of repair, in April 2022, the project was completed. The house is more spacious, I feel very secure, I don’t have to worry when it rains and storms like before.

Leaders of the Provincial Labor Confederation visited and gave gifts to grassroots Trade Union members, Loc Binh District Culture and Information Division

 Along with Mrs. Thanh, from the beginning of 2022 until now, in Cao Loc district, there are 6 union members who are supported with funds to build and repair houses in the “trade union shelter”. Mr. Ha Van Huan, Chairman of the Confederation of Labor of Cao Loc district said: In order for the workers to settle down and work, the district Labor Confederation has propagated and mobilized union members to support the construction of the Charity Social Fund of the the provincial Labor Confederation with the contribution from 30,000 VND/person/year; directed trade unions to review the list of employees with housing difficulties, and request the provincial Labor Confederation to support. In the first half of 2022, we mobilized more than 87 million VND (an increase of 8 million VND compared to 2021) and asked the Provincial Labor Confederation to support 6 union members to build and repair houses (increase 4 houses compared to 2021) with a total cost of 180 million VND.

Not only Cao Loc district Labor Confederation, sector unions and labor unions of districts and city have strengthened propaganda and mobilized employees to contribute to fund construction and reviewed and made a list of proposals to build and repair houses in the “The Trade Union Shelter”. According to the plan, in 2022, the Management Board of the Charity Social Fund – the Provincial Labor Confederation will support the construction and repair of houses for 31 employees with the amount of 980 million VND. From the beginning of 2022 until now, the Provincial Labor Confederation has given support to 8 union members to build and repair houses with a total amount of 280 million VND. Thereby, the Confederation helped employees settle down and work, emulate to improve productivity, product quality, and successfully complete assigned tasks.

Accompanying workers to overcome difficulties

 Along with housing support, trade unions at all levels in the province have also implemented many practical activities to take care of the material and spiritual life of workers. Mr. Ly Duc Thanh, Chairman of the Provincial Labor Confederation said: In the past years, the provincial Labor Confederation has always actively directed trade unions at all levels in the province to strongly direct activities on the grassroots to take care of the lives and ensure the legitimate rights and interests of workers. Specific activities such as coordinating to participate in monitoring to ensure regimes and policies according to regulations; organizing visits, giving gifts, supporting employees with difficult circumstances, labor accidents, occupational diseases… Thereby, we encouraged workers to make efforts to overcome difficulties and successfully complete assigned tasks.

Union members, workers participated in the contest of tug of war, pushing sticks organized by the Labor Confederation of Lang Son city

Accordingly, trade unions at all levels have organized many activities such as taking care of the New Year for employees in extremely difficult circumstances; organizing the program “A gathering New Year  – Peaceful Spring” at the provincial Labor Confederation and the grassroots trade union; launching Workers’ Month, Action Month on Occupational Safety and Health, health check-ups, gifts for employees in difficult circumstances, occupational accidents… From the beginning of 2022 until now, trade unions at all levels have received and coordinated with experts to visit, encouraged and gave gifts to 20,937 turns of employees with a total value of over 10.1 billion VND…

Teacher Vi Thi Thuy, a member of the Trade Union of Tan My Primary School, Van Lang district said: “In February 2022, I had an accident on my way home from work. The school’s management board and the Trade Union have mobilized officials and teachers to donate to support me for the cost of surgery; arranged 1 teacher to look after the class so that I can teach online from home. Those concerns and support have encouraged me a lot, helped me overcome my injury and return to my daily work.

The timely attention, encouragement and support of trade unions is a great source of motivation and a solid fulcrum for party members, employees, workers to overcome difficulties, stabilize their lives, and feel secure in their work, production and dedicating more for agencies, units and businesses, contributing to the socio-economic development of the province.