Friday,  09/20/2024

Lang Son police: Good mass mobilization contributes to reducing crime

In the past years, along with the specialized tasks, Lang Son police has regularly paid attention to effectively implementing mass mobilization work, focusing on the emulation movement “good mass mobilization”. It is considered as one of the important tasks in order to build solid people’s heart and mind battle array and people’s security battle array.

Together with the police of Tran Yen commune, Bac Son district, we visited the family of Trieu Sinh Triu, a Dao ethnic, living in a extremely difficult area in Lan Ca village, Tran Yen commune. In 2010, Triu was lured and manipulated then became addicted to drugs. At that time, in order to satisfy his addiction, Triu sold his family’s property to get money for drugs. The poor family became even poorer.

Fire prevention and rescue police prepare vehicles to rescue stranded people in Dong Mo town, Chi Lang district due to floods (May 2022). Photo: NGOC HIEU

Captain Nguyen Van Ha, Head of Tran Yen Commune Public Security Division said: “The police of Tran Yen commune have cooperated with the authorities, mass organizations and people in the village to actively approach, encourage and explain to help Triu gradually quit drugs, rebuild his life. In early 2020, Triu voluntarily went into rehab. By May 2022, he had succeeded and reintegrated into the community. The first thing Triu did when he returned home was going to Tran Yen Commune Public Security Division to express his gratitude and promise to obey the law, avoid relaps, and actively help his family gain income.

This is just one of many cases of having used to make mistakes. Thanks to the good coordination in mass mobilization, Lang Son police force has educated, encouraged and helped them to reintegrate into the community, become good citizens. In addition, through mass mobilization, the police force mobilized all classes of people to actively participate in the movement “The entire people protect national security”. In the past 5 years, the people have provided over 5,000 valuable sources and documents, helping functional force investigate and clarify cases and promptly arrest criminals. Many law violations and social evils have been reduced or controlled to a low level.

With the aim of effectively implementing mass mobilization work associated with political tasks, building the Party, the force and emulation movements within the whole force, police units in the province have actively advised, effectively implemented movement “The entire people protect national security” in association with the emulation movement “Good mass mobilization” with many practical and effective ways in many fields of work.

Police of Tran Yen commune, Bac Son district often visit people’s houses to propagate and mobilize people to obey the law

In the past 5 years, the police force has advised, built and effectively maintained 38 mass mobilization models, typically the model “Propagating and mobilizing people to obey the law in association with social welfare activities” of the Provincial Public Security Department; “The Youth Union of the District Public Security Division engages in propaganda, dissemination and education of the law associated with social welfare activities” of Van Lang District Public Security Division… From the beginning of 2022 until now, there have been 865 propaganda sessions and commitment signing to obey the law for over 550 thousand people; 48,700 propaganda leaflets, 131,000 posters on fire prevention, management and use of weapons, explosives, supporting tools, prevention and control of illegal acts on firecrackers; mobilizing the people to hand over 172 guns of all kinds, 41 crude gas cases, 7 grenades, 515 bullets….

Senior Colonel Bui Quang Ninh, Deputy Head of the Division of Building the Movement “The entire people protect national security”, Provincial Public Security Department said: “In implementing the movements, we combine mass mobilization, information provision, propaganda, legal education, commendation of typical units and individuals. Thereby, it contributes to encouraging the people to actively participate in the fight against crime, maintaining security and order in the locality.

In the coming time, the Provincial Public Security Department will continue to innovate and improve the quality and effectiveness of the mass mobilization work, promote the initiative and creativity of officers and soldiers engaged in the mass mobilization work, and well perform the movement “Smile of soldier” which builds the style of Lang Son policemen with bravery, humanity and for the people to serve.