Friday,  09/20/2024

The Provincial People’s Committee held a meeting to consider and gave opinions on the draft Decision promulgating the Regulation on evaluation and classification of cadres, civil servants and public employees of Lang Son province

On the morning of August 4, Mr. Duong Xuan Huyen, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee chaired a meeting to consider and give opinions on the draft Decision on promulgation of the Regulation on assessment and ranking types of cadres, civil servants and public employees in Lang Son province.

Over the years, the evaluation of cadres, civil servants and public employees in the province has been implemented in accordance with regulations. However, through the reports from the central to the local, it is shown that in the evaluation of cadres, there are still some limitations such as: fear of collision, respect, avoidance, so officials and public servants cannot avoid thinking higher. Therefore, the Organizing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee reported to the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee have agreed on the policy of piloting the assessment of public officials and civil servants for the party and government sectors.

Accordingly, the Provincial People’s Committee has assigned the Department of Home Affairs as a specialized agency to advise the Provincial People’s Committee to develop a draft Regulation on assessment and classification of cadres, civil servants and public employees in Lang Son province. The Regulation includes: 3 chapters and 8 articles, specifying the principles of quality assessment and classification; evaluation criteria; Rating level; assessment authority; assessment process and time; the use of monthly staff evaluation results; implementation organization. The pilot implementation period is expected to take place in 12 months from January 1 to December 2023.

At the meeting, the delegates focused their comments on a number of contents such as legal basis for developing regulations; time to conduct the assessment and rating; reviewing the evaluation criteria, the name of the regulation to suit reality; the selection of pilot units to implement the regulation…

Mr. Duong Xuan Huyen, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee delivered a speech at the meeting.

Speaking at the conclusion of the meeting, the Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee suggested that the unit assigned to draft the regulation absorbed the opinions stated at the meeting, supplemented and edited a number of contents in the draft regulation such as  name of the decision, supplementing legal grounds, agreeing to implement the experiment at 14 units belonging to a number of departments, sectors, districts and city. Specifically, at the provincial level, it is expected to include the following units: Office of the Provincial People’s Committee, Department of Home Affairs, Department of Natural Resources and Environment, Department of Finance, Provincial Radio and Television Station. For district and city levels, it is expected to pilot in 6 divisions and 3 People’s Committees of communes and wards in 2 districts: Chi Lang, Dinh Lap and Lang Son city.

Regarding the evaluation and classification, the Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee agreed to raise the rating scale for excellent completion of the task from 91 to 100 points; successfully complete the task from 71 to 90 points, the remaining levels remain the same. He agreed on the implementation time of the pilot regulation in 2023 and assigned the Department of Home Affairs to summarize and evaluate pilot results and report to the Provincial People’s Committee.

Mr. Vice Chairman suggested that Department of Home Affairs complete the draft regulation before August 14 to submit to the Provincial People’s Committee for consideration and signing for promulgation.