Friday,  09/20/2024

Inspecting the implementation of the Grassroots Democracy Regulation at the Department of Industry and Trade

On the afternoon of August 12, 2022, the inspection team of the Steering Committee for the Implementation of the Regulation on Democracy at the grassroots level of the province led by Mr. Duong Xuan Huyen, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, Vice Chairman of the Steering Committee to inspect the implementation of the grassroots democracy regulation in 2022 at the Department of Industry and Trade.

Mr. Duong Xuan Huyen, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, Deputy Head of the Steering Committee for the Implementation of the Democracy Regulations at the provincial grassroots level spoke at the inspection session

The Department of Industry and Trade currently has 67 civil servants and employees. Over the past time, the leadership and direction of building and implementing the democratic regulations at the grassroots level have been regularly concerned by the Party Committee and the department’s leaders, leading, directing and organizing implementation.

The Steering Committee for the implementation of grassroots democracy regulations of the Department of Industry and Trade has been promptly consolidated and regularly advises the Party committees and leaders of the Department to issue documents, directions and to urge the implementation of grassroots democracy regulations in the agency; regularly inspect the implementation of democracy regulations at the grassroots level of affiliated divisions and units.

The implementation of regimes and policies for civil servants, public employees and employees is carried out openly, transparently and in accordance with regulations. The organizations and unions of the unit have made positive contributions to the implementation of the grassroots democracy regulation in the department. Regulations on implementation of the Regulation on democracy in the unit are always concerned, promptly revised and supplemented in accordance with the actual situation and current regulations; 100% of cadres, party members, civil servants, public employees and employees are allowed to attend and contribute ideas in conferences of agencies and units.

At the inspection, the delegates exchanged and discussed to clarify the implementation and implementation of the Grassroots Democracy Regulation of the Department of Industry and Trade. At the same time, the delegates proposed solutions to continue to promote and improve the quality and efficiency of the implementation of the grassroots democracy regulation of the unit in the coming time.

Speaking at the conclusion of the inspection, the Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee highly appreciated the implementation of the grassroots democracy regulation by the Department of Industry and Trade.

He also pointed out a number of limitations in the implementation and implementation of the grassroots democracy regulation of the department such as the propaganda and dissemination of the grassroots democracy regulation is not diverse; the inspection and supervision of the implementation of the grassroots democracy regulation has not been carried out regularly; emulation, commendation, and replication of examples in the implementation of grassroots democracy regulations is still limited.

Regarding the tasks in the coming time, the Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee directed the Department of Industry and Trade continues to strengthen propaganda, dissemination and mastery of directives, resolutions and documents on the implementation of grassroots democracy regulations to Party members, civil servants and public employees; promote the role of party committees and mass unions in the implementation of social supervision and criticism; continue to tighten discipline, strengthen the responsibility of cadres, civil servants and public employees, especially improve the role and responsibility of the leaders; regularly consolidating and improving the quality of activities of the Steering Committee for the implementation of the department’s democratic regulations.

Along with that, the unit should strengthen the inspection and supervision of the implementation of the Regulation on democracy within the agency, divisions and units under them; improving the quality of year-end cadres and civil servants conferences; improve the quality of activities of unions; continue to improve the effectiveness of administrative reform; increasing the application of information technology in management and administration; continue to effectively implement the government’s mass mobilization work, and at the same time promote the good publicity work associated with the 2022 work theme of the Provincial People’s Committee…