Friday,  09/20/2024

Special “Cultural Festival of Ethnic Minorities in Bac Son District” at Ky Lua Walking Street

On the evening of August 13, the People’s Committee of Bac Son district coordinated with the People’s Committee of Lang Son city to open the “Cultural Festival of Ethnic Minorities in Bac Son district” at Lua Walking Street, Lang Son city.

A special welcome performance by artists and actors from Bac Son District Culture, Sports and Media Center

Attending the festival were leaders of the Provincial Party Committee’s Propaganda Commission, representatives of leaders of departments, sectors and of the province; leaders of districts, city and a large number of tourists and people in the area.

At the festival, artisans and artists from the clubs and Bac Son District Culture, Sports and Media Center performed special performances of singing and dancing elaborately choreographed with bold national cultural identity with the theme of praising the glorious Party, beloved Uncle Ho, , praising the love of the homeland, the country, the land and the people of Xu Lang, such as the repertoire of Vi singing, Then singing, and gourd lute; excerpt from the performance of Quan Lang singing to welcome the bride at the wedding of the Tay people…

The performance of Vi singing performed by artists in Bac Son district

Also at the walking street, delegates, people, and tourists were able to visit and experience the beauty of the natural beauty, historical and cultural traditions of Bac Son homeland through 15 photos and stalls displaying district specialties such as: sausages, deep-fried rice ball, candied roasted nut, alcohols, dried meats … participate in folk games, dancing activities…

Delegates, along with a large number of people and visitors, learned about the stall displaying specialty products of Bac Son district

It is known that this is the first time the cultural festival of ethnic minorities in Bac Son district has been held in Ky Lua walking street. This meaningful activity has contributed to introduce the beauty of culture, people and typical tourism products in Bac Son district in particular, and Lang Son province in general.

Thereby, helping people of all strata, especially the young generation, partly understand more about intangible cultural heritage, as well as national cultural characteristics, thereby adding pride and sense of responsibility for the conservation and promotion of ethnic cultural values.