Friday,  09/20/2024

Lang Son youth implement the digital transformation

Resolution No. 49-NQ/TU dated September 28, 2021 of the Provincial Standing Committee on digital transformation of Lang Son province to 2025 is a major policy being strongly implemented by all levels and sectors in the province. Concretizing the contents of the resolution, all levels of unions of the province have been actively participating in the contents of digital transformation.

Mr. Lang Van Chi, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Youth Union said: Implementing Resolution No. 49-NQ/TU, the Standing Board of the Provincial Youth Union has developed a thematic plan to concretize the contents of the resolution in accordance with the conditions of the Union and specific targets for each year. Accordingly, all levels of unions across the province strives that by 2025, 100% of the union’s officials and employees will be trained to improve their knowledge, qualifications and digital skills to apply in practice; the provincial and district unions have online video conferencing systems and 50% of the meetings are held online; 20% of competitions use online digital platforms; over 20% of the inspection and supervision work of the delegation is done through the digital space; every year, each union member buy 6 or more products on postmart, voso e-commerce platforms and support at least 1 citizen to use the application of Xu Lang Digital Citizen…

Young people of Lang Son city supported people in Mai Pha commune to install the application of Xu Lang Digital Citizen…

Particularly in 2022, the Standing Board of the Provincial Youth Union sets a target to strive for youth union members to buy 100,000 orders on e-commerce platforms; strive to support people to install 100,000 digital accounts.

In order to achieve the above objectives, the Provincial Youth Union has assigned specific targets to the districts, city unions and unions under their control on the development of electronic payment accounts, Xu Lang Digital Citizen accounts, and buyer accounts; directed districts and city unions to select and send young people to join community digital technology groups. Thereby, the union had achieved some positive initial results. Specifically, since the implementation of Resolution No.49 up to now, the youth unions at all levels in the province have organized more than 50 propaganda activities; there are 3,200 young people participating in activities at 1,684 community digital technology groups. The Provincial Youth Union also cooperated with the Department of Information and Communications to train 200 secretaries of the commune, ward and township unions to do well in guiding members of the community digital technology team in the area, ensuring members master the skills of downloading, installing and using digital applications. After being trained, the grassroots union secretaries organized training and guidance for more than 3,000 union members who were members of community digital technology groups in villages and residential quarters.

Mr. Ha Van Tung, Secretary of the Youth Union of Tri Phuong commune, Trang Dinh district said: Initially, the Commune Union supported 25 people to install digital applications. For people in remote and remote areas, the support does not stop at verbal instructions or information from leaflets, but must be directly “hand in hand”. After supporting with the installation of applications on smartphones, members of the community digital technology team also gave specific instructions on how to use to each person, doing it over and over again for people to do it fluently.

Young people of Lang Son city supported people in Hoang Van Thu ward to install digital applications

With the active participation of union members and youth in the province, since implementing Resolution No.49 up to now, the province has developed over 75,000 digital application accounts, of which, over 23,000 accounts of Xu Lang Digital Citizen, 14,000 electronic payment accounts, 38,000 shopping accounts on postmart.vn, voso.vn e-commerce platforms. Mrs. Hoang Thi Lien, Hoang Van Thu ward, Lang Son city said: With the dedicated guidance of the members of the Community Digital Technology Team of the block, I successfully installed the Xu Lang Digital Citizen. In the process of using, I found this application very useful, making it easy for me to look up complete information about the administrative procedures I need to do such as the composition of the file, the settlement agency, the resolution time limit, etc.

In addition to the above solutions, recently, the Standing Committee of the Provincial Youth Union has actively urged the unions to urgently update information on the union member management software. Accordingly, the districts, unions and unions under their affiliated organizations have actively updated information fields such as admitting new members; union members move in, move out, and mature; union members go to work far away; union member training program; member ratings…

With the above activities, Lang Son youth have contributed to spreading the spirit and content of digital transformation to all classes of people in the province. The participation of young people has been actively contributing to the completion of the province’s goal of digital transformation.

By the end of April 2022, the youth union at all levels has completed updating information of more than 47,000 union members in the province on the management software of the Central Union. With that result, Lang Son is one of the 20 provinces with the earliest completion in the country on the progress of implementing this content.