Friday,  09/20/2024

Brighten up the spirit of the National Day September 2nd

“Vietnam has the right to be a free and independent country—and in fact is so already. The entire Vietnamese people are determined to mobilize all their physical and mental strength, to sacrifice their lives and property in order to safeguard their independence and liberty”- Even though the years have passed, President Ho Chi Minh’s proclamation at the historic Ba Dinh Square on September 2, 1945 still resonates.

On September 2, 1945, at the historic Ba Dinh Square, on behalf of the Provisional Government, President Ho Chi Minh solemnly read the Declaration of Independence giving birth to the Democratic Republic of Vietnam (now the Socialist Republic of Vietnam). the first worker-peasant state in Southeast Asia, the state of the people, by the people, for the people, opening a new and most brilliant chapter in the history of the thousands of years of nation building and defense of the Vietnamese people. The Declaration of Independence is an epic poem that continues the glorious pages of history, marking the victory of nearly a century of resilience against colonialism and feudalism, opening a new era in our country. From a semi-feudal colony, Vietnam became an independent, free and democratic country. Our people have changed from being slaves to people of an independent country, mastering their own destiny.

The students were introduced by the narrator to the ceremony space at the Lang Son Provincial Museum. Photo: LA MAI

Over the past 77 years, President Ho Chi Minh’s passionate patriotism and the thought “Nothing more precious than the independence and freedom” of President Ho Chi Minh in the Declaration of Independence has become a great spiritual equipments and motivation for the entire Vietnamese nation to unite and overcome all difficulties and challenges. All the feats and miracles our country and people have won over the past 77 years are thanks to the brilliant and wise leadership of the glorious Party, the great President Ho Chi Minh. Proud of the Party, the more we cherish the past, cherish the achievements of the August Revolution, the value of the Declaration of Independence, the more we  deeply imbued with and infinitely grateful for the merits of the beloved President Ho Chi Minh; The more we understand, trust and be proud of our Party, our nation – the heroic nation.

Promoting the lessons learned from the August Revolution and the spirit of the National Day of September 2, our entire people have full confidence in the leadership of the Party, steadfastly in the revolutionary goal, resolutely overcome all difficulties and hardships, continue to write glorious chapters of history, win great victories in the struggles for national liberation, culminating in the 1954 Dien Bien Phu Victory that shook the world and the Great Spring Victory in 1975, which completely liberated the South, reunified the country, and brought the whole country to socialism.

For the Party Committee, authorities and people of ethnic groups in Lang Son province, the spirit of National Day September 2nd has become a “guideline” for the aspiration for peace and the driving force for development. During the two resistance wars against the French colonialists and the invading US imperialists, the people of Lang Son ethnic groups overcame all difficulties, strengthened the armed forces, and provided human and material support to the resistance war. Tens of thousands of young people have set out to fight directly with guns, serving in combat, contributing to defeating the destructive war of the US imperialists; Tens of thousands tons of food and millions of man-days were contributed to the front lines. Lang Son became a resilient “floating port”, forever going down in history as an epic song. In particular, in the fight to protect the northern border, Lang Son fought bravely and staunchly, preserving every inch of the borderland of the Fatherland, preserving the independence and freedom.

Implementing the renovation work, over the past 35 years, the Party Committee, government and people of ethnic groups in the province have promoted the tradition of solidarity, constantly strive to rise up, promote the potentials and advantages, make the province’s economy – culture – society more and more prosperous and achieve many exciting results.

The economy maintained a decent growth rate, the scale of the economy was constantly expanding. The mobilization of development investment resources, accelerating the disbursement of public investment capital has created great changes in infrastructure, creating important conditions for the province to exploit its potentials and advantages to realize the goal of rapid and sustainable economic restructuring. The investment environment and competitiveness were improved in the direction of openness and transparency. Solutions to overcome difficulties, develop production and business have strongly promoted. Industrial clusters are planned and built to attract many investors to exploit.

In particular, in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, Lang Son has been making great efforts to fulfill the dual goal of “fighting the pandemic like fighting the enemy” while determined to maintain and restore production, develop the economy, and ensure the people’s life. As a result, in 2021, the product growth rate in the province reached 6.67%, more than 2 times higher than in 2020 and ranked 15th in the country; per capita income reached 46.9 million VND, an increase of  2.6 million VND compared to 2020. Budget revenue in 2021 is the highest ever, especially revenue from import and export activities; total state budget revenue in the area reached 10,649.6 billion VND, exceeding 82.5% of the estimate. In the first 6 months of 2022, the gross domestic product (GRDP) is estimated to increase by 6.51% over the same period; crop structure continues to shift towards reducing the area of food crops, increasing the area of crops with economic value; trade and service activities took place vibrantly. Up to now, the whole province has 75 communes meeting new rural standards, 12 communes meeting new advanced rural standards; each district recognizes 2-3 model residential areas; In 2022, the province will strive to have 10 more communes meeting new rural standards, 5 newly improved rural communes, 1 new model rural commune.

Provincial library staff introduced to students good books at the book display booth to celebrate National Day September 2nd. Photo: LA MAI

The socio-cultural field has prospered, the quality of education has been improved in both spearhead education and comprehensive education. The health system has been strengthened, the non-public healthcare has developed in both network and quality of medical examination and treatment. The rate of poor households in 2021 decreased by 2.12%, equivalent to about 5,000 households; There are 172 communes in the whole province that have met the national set of health criteria, reached 86%; the percentage of people participating in health insurance reached 86.9%…

Studying and following Ho Chi Minh’s moral example has been actively and effectively implemented by the province, associated with the implementation of the Resolution of the Fourth Conference of the 12th Party Central Committee on “Some urgent issues of the current Party building” creating changes in awareness and sense of morality and lifestyle among cadres, party members and the people.

National defense, security, social order and safety in the province are ensured, national border sovereignty is maintained. External affairs are carried out proactively and effectively. External activities continue to be promoted, friendship and cooperation with Guangxi (China) continue to be promoted, increasingly deepening, facilitating trade activities, border management, crime prevention and control, especially COVID-19 pandemic prevention and control.

Celebrating the Independence Day, celebrating the renewal of the homeland, together with the entire Party, the people, the whole army, the Party Committee and the People of Lang Son continue to join hands, unite, strongly promote the patriotic spirit, the will of self-reliance, emulate socio-economic development, firmly protect national defense and security, build a clean and strong Party and political system. In the immediate future, all levels of Party committees and organizations in the whole province will focus on leading and directing the synchronous, comprehensive, drastic and effective implementation of tasks and solutions to realize the “dual goals” of fighting the COVID-19 pandemic and ensuring the smooth operation of the economy, contributing to the successful implementation of the Resolution of the 13th National Congress of the Party and the Resolution of the 17th Provincial Party Congress, to build a richer and more beautiful and civilized homeland.