Friday,  09/20/2024

Trang Dinh: Changes from implementing Resolution 14

On June 2, 2016, the Executive Committee of Trang Dinh District Party Committee of issued Resolution 14-NQ/HU on improving the quality of activities of the Party cell. Over a period of implementation, the quality of activities of the Party cell has changed significantly compared to previous time, many goals have been achieved and exceeded the plan, contributing to improving the leadership capacity of the party grassroots organization.

Previously, the activities of some party grassroots organizations in the district still faced some limitations. Specifically, the content of activities was hardly renewed; a small number of organizations have not been able to maintain regular activities of their Party committee cell according to regulation; the percentage of party members contributing constructive comments is low, the spirit of self-criticism and criticism in party activities has not been raised.

The leader of the Party Committee of Chi Lang commune, Trang Dinh district discussed the results of the assessment and classification of the party grassroots organization in 2021 with commune officials

In order to overcome the above limitations and create changes in the activities of the party cell, the Executive Committee of the District Party Committee issued Resolution 14 with specific goals and solutions such as improving the quality of the party members; regular implementing the activities at all levels of Party committees and cells; changing the content, form of activities…

For example, in maintaining the regular activities, the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee requested the members of the Party at all levels to strengthen their understanding of the situation and attend activities at the party cells, especially at those that did not regularly organize activities; at the same time, highlighting the responsibility of the Party Committee and Party Secretary in maintaining, preparing the content and organizing the activities. As a result, currently, the percentage of party cells of villages and city blocks that maintain 9-12 activities per year reaches 91.06% (of which, 46.93% of party cells organize 12 activities per year, up 10.8% compared to 2018 survey results); the average rate of party members attending the activities of the party cell is 88.42% (3.42% higher than the target of the Resolution).

Mr. Hoang Tuan Cuong, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Quoc Viet Commune, said: “Previously, there were some party cell under the Commune Party Committee which wasn’t able to organize 12 activities per year, typically the Keo Phay party cell which only organized 12 activities per year. To rectify, the Commune Party Committee assigned its members to be in charge of the party cell, to attend all activities, monitor and inspect the implementation of resolutions and plans. Along with Keo Phay, many party cells have made changes in their regular activities. Up to now, 15 out of 15 party cells have maintained their regular activities, recorded in notebooks with better and more various contents of activities than before.

At the same time, the party cells also focused on innovating the content and form of activities. Specifically, the content of activities must follow the order; many party cells have included the key tasks for thematic activities into their working schedule and seriously implemented them…

In addition, instead of just listening to the chairperson’s speech as before, party members of the party cells were encouraged by the Party Committee to speak up issues for discussion, avoiding apprehension and lack of democracy. According to statistics, the percentage of party members participating in discussions and contributing ideas in activities has been increased compared to before, on average reaching over 40%.”

Mr. Hoang Van Du, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of That Khe town, said: “In the past, in the activities of the party cell, party members were often shy and did not actively contribute ideas. Implementing Resolution 14, in organizing activities, our party cells have raised key, important and realistic issues, thereby attracting party members to actively contribute ideas.

Professional training for party grassroots leaders also received great attention. From 2016 up to now, the Standing Committee of the District Party Committee has directed the Party building commissions and the Office of the District Party Committee to organize 21 training courses (online and offline), of which 19 ones for party grassroots leaders, 2 professional training courses for the secretaries of grassroots party and smaller.”

Mr. Hoang Anh Dung, Standing Deputy Secretary of the District Party Committee said: “The strict implementation of the Resolution 14 has made a positive change in improving the quality of activities of the party cell. The limitations of some party grassroots organizations have been gradually overcome. The party grassroots leaders, officials and party members have been becoming more and more aware of the meaning and importance of renovating and improving the quality of activities of the party cell.

As a result, it has contributed to improving the quality and efficiency of political tasks, professional work of each agency and unit, building a strong and comprehensive party organization. From 2017 to 2021, the percentage of party grassroots organizations that successfully complete their tasks or higher have reached over 90%, as in 2021, it has reached 96.4%.