Friday,  09/20/2024

Reviewing the preparation for the 14th Congress of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union in Lang Son province

On September 8, the Secretariat of the Central Committee of the Youth Union and the Standing Board of the Lang Son Provincial Party Committee held a conference to review the preparation for the 14th Congress of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union in Lang Son province for the term 2022-2027. Mr. Hoang Van Nghiem, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the Provincial National Assembly Delegation; Mr. Nguyen Tuong Lam, Secretary of the Central Committee of the Union co-chaired the conference.

Leaders of the Provincial Youth Union reported on the preparation of the Provincial Youth Union congress

At the conference, leaders of the Provincial Youth Union reported on the preparation for the congress. Specifically, on August 6, 2022, 100% of grassroots and district level delegations had completed organizing the congress, in which, 4/18 units directly elected the secretary at the congress. Publicly implementing the congress preparations, the Provincial Youth Union actively developed a propaganda plan, established the congress organizing committee and serving sub-committees; assigned specific tasks to the Standing comrades of the Provincial Youth Union, heads of sub-committees. Leaders of the Provincial Youth Union also presented the expected content of the congress program, personnel project, list, number of presidiums, secretariat, committee for verification of delegate status, vote counting board…The Congress is expected to take place in October 2022, at the Provincial Convention Center.

At the conference, the delegates commented on the programs and draft documents of the congress, which focused on the contents stated in the political report such as the building of human resource projects; directions and solutions to the contents of studying and following Ho Chi Minh’s thought and moral example; the propaganda and popularization of the law among the youth; promote the youth’s impulsive role in border protection; solutions to preserve and promote culture and national identity. At the same time, the delegates contributed ideas on the plan of visual propaganda and celebration decoration; developed tables of data to evaluate the results of task performance during the term; congress administration script, congress propaganda content…

Mr. Hoang Van Nghiem, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the Provincial National Assembly Delegation spoke at the conference.

Speaking at the conference, Mr. Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee asked the Provincial Youth Union to absorb, edit, supplement and complete the draft documents of the congress on the basis of the opinions of the delegates. The Deputy Secretary emphasized: In the work program for the next term, the congress should focus on political education, fostering the ideals of youth union members about revolutionary tradition and patriotism, national pride among youth union members; continue to advise the Party Committee and authorities on the work of union cadres. At the same time, the Provincial Youth Union should focus on preparation, organization, congress program, propaganda…

He wished that the Central Youth Union would continue to pay attention to creating favorable conditions for the union work and youth movement of the province to develop comprehensively, successfully organized the 14th Congress of the Ho Chi Minh Communist Youth Union in Lang Son province, for the term 2022 – 2027.

Mr. Nguyen Tuong Lam, Secretary of the Central Committee of the Union spoke at the conference

At the conference, the Secretary of the Central Committee of the Youth Union highly appreciated the preparations for the congress of the Youth Union of Lang Son province. He suggested that the Provincial Youth Union pay attention to some contents: it is necessary to adjust the personnel work to suit the regulations as well as work requirements in the coming time; political reports should highlight new points and specific characteristics of Lang Son youth in the implementation of movements and actions of the delegation; it is necessary to clarify the role of the delegation in participating in the implementation of political tasks of the province; the formulation of congress resolutions should identify specific activities to keep up with youth trends; Discussions at the congress should have attractive content and presentation methods. In addition, promoting propaganda before, during and after the congress, paying special attention to the application of digital transformation in the organization process. In addition, the Union promote propaganda before, during and after the congress, paying special attention to the application of digital transformation in the organization process.