Friday,  09/20/2024

Ready for the Provincial Congress of Veterans Association

The 7th Provincial Congress of Veterans Association for the term 2022 – 2027 is scheduled to take place on September 20 and 21, 2022. Up to now, the preparations have been basically completed, ready to hold the congress.

2022 is the year of the Congress of Veterans Associations at all levels, leading to the 7th National Congress of Vietnam Veterans Association. From the beginning of 2022 to the end of July 2022, 100% of veterans associations, 12 district-level veterans associations and the equivalent have completed the congress for the term 2022 – 2027. The grassroots and upper grassroots congresses were held, in accordance with the association’s principles and charter, electing 2,272 members of the association’s executive committee, 524 members of the standing committee. At the same time, the congress objectively assessed the results achieved in the 2017-2022 term, determined the motto of action, set specific goals, tasks and solutions in the new term.

Voting at the Congress of Bac Son District Veterans Association for the 2022 -2027 term

At the same time with leading and directing the lower-level veterans associations to organize the congress, the provincial Veterans Association has actively prepared for the provincial congress for the term of 2022 – 2027. Mr. Nguyen Van Quan, Chairman of the Provincial Veterans Association said: The Congress of the Provincial Veterans Association for the term of 2022 – 2027 is an extensive and comprehensive political activity in the association’s organization and staff and members. The congress will be attended by over 200 delegates representing over 35,000 veterans across the province. In order for the congress to be held successfully, right from the beginning of the year, the provincial association has developed a plan to organize the congress, set up subcommittees for documents, personnel, and decoration.

Contents such as The congress documents, personnel plan, time and venue for the congress have been carefully prepared by the provincial association, sent to the affiliated associations for discussion and submitted to the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, the Standing Committee of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Veterans Association for approval. Specifically, for the draft report on the results of the 2017 – 2022 term and the direction of the tasks for the term of 2022 – 2027, the provincial association has clearly analyzed and assessed the advantages, disadvantages, and lessons learned during the previous term.

Accordingly, in the past 5 years, with the spirit of innovation, solidarity and responsibility, the officers and members of the entire association have made great efforts to complete 9/9 targets set by the Resolution of the 6th Congress, in which 6/9 targets exceeded the plan. For example, organizations and associations have stood out to receive entrustment with the Bank for Social Policies of over  750 billion VND for members to borrow capital for economic development and rise out of poverty; the movement “Veterans helps each other escape poverty, make a good economy” was actively responded by members, the whole association now has 1,254 effective economic models, an increase of 98 economic models compared to the previous term; removed 255 dilapidated houses for members with difficult circumstances; The whole association contributed over 310 thousand working days, over 2.7 billion VND, donated over 100 thousand square meters of land, contributing to the construction of new rural areas and civilized urbans.

Delegates of the Veterans Association of Van Lang district voted to elect the Executive Committee at the Congress for the term of 2022-2027

In addition to the achieved results, the document also points out limitations and needs to be overcome such as the work of advising and proposing to the Party Committee to lead and direct veterans work is sometimes not proactive and responsive; The qualifications and capacity of the staff of associations at all levels are not equal, especially at the grassroots level.

Along with the document, the provincial association has directed 12 district-level veterans associations and equivalents to develop presentations to present at the congress. Mr. Pham Van Thuan, Chairman of Bac Son District Veterans Association said: Following the direction of the provincial association, after successfully organizing the congress for the term of 2022 – 2027, the district Veteran Association developed a thesis on studying and following Ho Chi Minh’s moral thought and style. Currently, we have completed the presentation to present to the congress.

Personnel work is prepared in accordance with the association’s charter process, the direction of the Provincial Party Committee and the guidance of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Veteran Association. It is expected that the Executive Board for the term of 2022 – 2027 will have 21 people, the Standing Committee will have 7 people, 1 president, 2 vice presidents. The selected and introduced personnel are qualified, have sufficient quantity, have the right structure, have inheritance and are indeed typical factors in terms of quality, capacity, prestige, meeting requirements, the task of leading and directing the work of the association in the new situation.

With close direction, thoughtful preparation in all aspects, it is believed that the 7th Provincial Congress of Veterans Association, term of 2022 – 2027 will take place successfully. Thereby continuing to encourage generations of veterans to maintain and promote the nature of “Uncle Ho’s army”, creating a premise for the development of the veteran movement and association activities in the new term.