Friday,  09/20/2024

Dinh Lap district: Breakthrough in budget collection

From the beginning of 2022 up to now, Dinh Lap district has synchronously implemented solutions to improve the efficiency of tax collection and prevent loss of budget collection. Thereby, the district has made a breakthrough, becoming one of the districts and city with the most impressive budget collection results in the province.

In 2022, the estimated budget collection in Dinh Lap district is 24 billion VND, much higher than previous years (estimated revenue in 2020 is 20.05 billion VND; 2021 is estimated at 21.8 billion VND). The estimate is higher, while the large and stable revenue sources in the district are not many. Therefore, the review, nurturing and exploitation of revenue sources are closely directed by the district.

Officers of 2nd Region Tax Sub-Department reviewed revenues in Dinh Lap district

Mr. Hoang Thanh Dam, Vice Chairman of the District People’s Committee, Deputy Head of the District Budget Collection Steering Committee said: In order to improve the efficiency of revenue management and combat loss of budget collection, the District Steering Committee for Budget Collection directs specialized divisions, committees, People’s Committees of communes and townships to closely coordinate with tax authorities to review, exploit revenue sources. As a result, in addition to stable and regular income sources, from the beginning of 2022 to now, the district has had additional large revenue sources, such as collecting land use fees.

In order to collect land use levy, the District People’s Committee has directed specialized divisions and committees to create a land fund and carry out the land auction process and procedures. In addition, tax authorities actively implement measures to collect land use levy, change land use purposes, etc. Mr. Nong Quang Chuc, Deputy Director of the 2nd Region Tax Sub-Department (in charge of 2 districts of Loc Binh and Dinh Lap) said: Right from the beginning of the year, the tax authorities have actively coordinated closely with specialized divisions and agencies of the district, the authorities and tax advisory councils of communes and towns to propagate and mobilize cases of land use levy debt; issue a notice to urge cases of land use levy debt… With those specific solutions, in the first 8 months of 2022, the total land use levy collection in the district was 42.5 billion VND, equal to 944.29% of the provincial estimate, up 463% over the same period in 2021.

Along with the large and sudden revenue from land use levy, the District People’s Committee has directed relevant agencies, the People’s Committees of communes and townships to closely coordinate with the tax authorities in the prevention against loss of budget collection in the field of private capital construction, transport business activities in communes and townships in the area.

Not only the initiative from the tax authorities, in order to improve the effectiveness of the prevention against loss of budget collection. Dinh Lap District People’s Committee has established an interdisciplinary inspection team against tax loss for transport business and special-use motorcycles, private capital construction, timber harvesting from planted forests, production and processing of peeled and chopped wood in the district. The interdisciplinary inspection team including relevant agencies and units in the area has actively developed plans to inspect households, business individuals, private capital construction household on the observance of the provisions of the law on registration, declaration and payment of taxes.

From the close direction of the District People’s Committee, the initiative of the tax authorities, the prevention against loss of budget collection in Dinh Lap district has achieved positive results. .Specifically, in the first 8 months of 2022, through the work of preventing revenue loss, the district has collected 560 million VND from private basic construction households; 156 million VND in transportation business; 135 million VND from turpentine business, etc.

With synchronous and drastic solutions implemented, through the first 8 months of 2022, the total budget collection in Dinh Lap district reached VND 59.5 billion, equaling 248% of the provincial estimate, an increase of 182 % over the same period in 2021.

From now until the end of 2022, in addition to the initiative and determination of the tax authorities, the People’s Committee and the Steering Committee for budget revenue of Dinh Lap district continue to focus on directing relevant agencies to closely coordinate with the tax authorities to further improve the efficiency of budget revenue collection and prevent revenue loss.