Friday,  09/20/2024

Lang Son city promotes the investment in urban infrastructure projects

In the process of urban development and expansion, Lang Son city has set a goal of achieving the criteria of a 1st-grade city by 2030. In order to realize this goal, in the past time, especially in 2022, the city has spent most of its resources prioritizing the construction of key urban infrastructure works to gradually create and change the city’s appearance.

Ky Cung Riverside Park project, the section from Dong Kinh Bridge to Dong Kinh Hotel started its construction in February 2022. This is a key project of the city with a land use scale of nearly 2 hectares. This project, when completed, will contribute to creating green space on both sides of Ky Cung river to serve the needs of entertainment for the People.

A corner of Lang Son city

Sharing about the implementation of this project, Mr. Nguyen Thanh Nghia, Commander of the Construction Team, Song Quang Rural Development Investment Joint Stock Company said: “Ky Cung Riverside Park project, the section from Dong Kinh Bridge to Dong Kinh Hotel started its construction on February 16, 2022, it is expected to be completed on June 11, 2023. Up to now, the unit has constructed temporary roads, dredged the lower embankment, conducted concrete flower casting, etc. Accordingly, the construction volume has reached about 30%. In order to ensure the progress of the project, the company is investing human and material resources in the construction, and at the same time follow the design to ensure the quality of the work…”

In addition to this project, in 2022, Lang Son city has implemented 55 projects with a total investment of nearly 300 billion VND. Most of the projects are the investment in the construction of works such as the improvement of sidewalks, infrastructure construction for residential areas, roads, parks, embellishment and upgrade of urban infrastructure. Ms. Nguyen Thi Huong Sen, Director of Lang Son City Management Board of Construction Investment Project, said: “Out of 55 investment projects in 2022, there are 35 projects in urban infrastructure construction, urban development and embellishment with a total investment of nearly 120 billion VND. There are key projects to create highlight for Lang Son city such as Ky Cung Riverside Park from Dong Kinh bridge to opposite Dong Kinh hotel; renovating Phai Loan lake; embankment on the left bank of Ky Cung river, the section from Mai Pha airport to Dong Kinh bridge, Lang Son city; Ky Cung riverbank protection embankment phase 3, Chi Lang ward; decorating the lighting system of Ly Thuong Kiet street; Urban areas Phu Loc 1 and 2, Phu Loc 3 and Phu Loc 4; Nam Hoang Dong 1 and extended Nam Hoang Dong 1 urban areas …

In addition to the capital of the province and the central government, over the past time, the City People’s Committee has actively exploited revenue sources, called for investment, and took advantage of other supportive capital sources to invest in urban infrastructure and investment in the implementation of a number of large-scale projects. In which, a number of urban areas and urban embellishment projects continue to be developed. The most typical example is that from 2021, the city has attracted a number of businesses to invest in the construction of urban areas and residential areas with a total cost of more than 700 billion VND.

People in the city follow the detailed construction planning of Dong Kinh ward. Photo: Gia Khanh

Ms. Thi Thi Phen, a retired officer in quarter 9, Vinh Trai ward, shared: “In recent years, the field of investment in urban infrastructure construction, especially transport infrastructure and parks in the city has experienced positive changes. The overall investment of the city government has been opening up a modern living space for people in the city. I hope that in the future, the city government will continue to implement planning and invest in building long-term and sustainable urban infrastructure projects.”

At the same time, in order to build a spacious and modern Lang Son city, besides investing in the development of urban areas, developing the inner city traffic system, investing in urban embellishment projects… the city also focuses on investing, renovating and upgrading the market network in the area. Specifically, the City People’s Committee is currently focusing on completing and upgrading  Gieng Vuong market so that in early November 2022, all small traders who are doing business at Bo Song market will move to Gieng Vuong market, Bo Song market will be developed into a new park. In addition, in the future, Chi Lang market will be invested into a large commercial center complex.

Mr. Nguyen Van Hanh, Deputy Secretary of the City Party Committee, Chairman of the People’s Committee of Lang Son city said: “In recent years, in order to build and develop the city, the Executive Committee and the Standing Committee of the City Party Committee have focused on, directing, leading and concretizing tasks. In particular, the most typical one is to concentrate resources to complete projects on construction of infrastructure, transport, urban areas and housing, etc., thereby, contributing to changing the appearance of Lang Son city, opening up a modern living space for city citizens. However, besides the achieved results, the city’s urban development activities still have some limitations, many criteria of a 2nd-grade city are still low,  some have not reached the maximum score, which have not met the development requirement in the direction of civilization and modernity. Therefore, the City People’s Committee has focused on investing in the construction of urban infrastructure.

Accordingly, for projects invested by the City People’s Committee, it has directed relevant divisions, boards and authorities of communes and wards to proactively solve problems, especially those related to site clearance, to actively coordinate with construction units to accelerate the implementation of projects.

In the coming time, Lang Son city will continue to focus on solving problems in compensation, site clearance, resettlement support, ensuring progress as scheduled, correct procedures, policies and laws, timely settling petitions and complaints of citizens; creating conditions for a clean ground and handling it to contractors to carry out the remaining projects. Along with that, it will continue to attract businesses to invest in building urban infrastructure systems, building urban functional zones. Typically, the city is calling for and attracting investment capital in the form of public-private partnerships, off-budget investments in the city to implement investment projects in a number of eco-tourism areas and resort I the city; urban area along Ky Cung river; new central park associated with the fairground; the construction of amusement parks in the city… These projects will contribute to the construction of infrastructure and urban landscape.