Friday,  09/20/2024

Focusing on speeding up the national target programs

On October 18, the Central Steering Committee for National Target Programs (NTPs) for the 2021-2025 period held its second conference to evaluate the results of implementation of key tasks and solutions from now until the end of 2022.

Delegates attending the meeting at Lang Son connection point

Mr. Pham Binh Minh, Politburo member, Deputy Prime Minister, Head of the Central Steering Committees of the National Target Programs chaired the conference.

Attending the conference at Lang Son connection point were Mr. Luong Trong Quynh, Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee and representatives of leaders of a number of departments,sectors, People’s Committees of districts and city. According to the report at the meeting, through the first 9 months of 2022, the implementation of the National Target Programs  has been closely directed by all levels and sectors; focusing on speeding up the completion of mechanisms and policies for management and implementation of the NTPs; throughtly grasped the advising work…

Regarding the allocation, plan assignment and disbursement of capital for the implementation of the NTPs, the remaining central budget capital for the 2021-2025 period of the 3 NTPs that have not been allocated or assigned the plan is 99,898.987 billion VND; 52/52 localities (which have been allocated capital from the central budget) have decided to assign capital plans to implement 3 NTPs to their affiliated units. Some localities, after completing the capital allocation, have focused on implementing and having good disbursement results such as Tay Ninh, Lang Son, Hau Giang, Ha Nam, Vinh Long…

Regarding the implementation of the goals and tasks of each NTP, up to now, the whole country has 5,854/8,225 communes, accounting for 71.2% of communes meeting new rural standards, an increase of 12 communes compared to August 2022. In which, there are 18 provinces with 100% of communes meeting the standards of new rural areas; the national average reached 17.1 criteria/commune; 255 district and city-level units were recognized for completing tasks and meeting new rural standards; 5 provinces were recognized for completing the task of building new rural areas.

Regarding the results of the implementation of the goal of poverty reduction in 2022 according to the multidimensional poverty line for the period of 2022-2025, it is estimated that the multidimensional poverty rate will maintain a decrease of 1-1.5%/year; the rate of poor ethnic minority households decreased by over 3%/year; the rate of poor households in poor districts decreases by 4-5%/year.

At the meeting, representatives of a number of ministries, sectors and localities focused on discussing and evaluating the results achieved in the implementation of the NTPs in the first nine months of the year. At the same time, provide solutions and proposals to successfully implement the goals and tasks of the NTPs in the last months of 2022.

Concluding the conference, Mr. Standing Deputy Prime Minister acknowledged the efforts of ministries, sector and localities in implementing the NTPs.

Regarding tasks in the last months of the year, the Government’s Standing Deputy Prime Minister assigned ministries, sectors and localities to focus on accelerating the progress of the National Target Programs; quickly complete the documents guiding the implementation of the program; integrate capital sources for program implementation; Local leaders need to be more determined and drastic in directing the implementation of projects, disbursing public investment capital…

For Lang Son province, up to now, the province has established a Steering Committee and issued operating regulations of the Steering Committee of the National Target Programs for the period of 2021-2025; promulgated Resolutions of the Provincial People’s Council on principles, criteria, norms for allocation of central budget capital and local budget reciprocal rates for 3 NTPs in the province;completed the assignment of goals, tasks, capital plans for national target programs for the period of 2021-2025 and 2022.