Friday,  09/20/2024

Women of Lang Son promote the tradition of “Three responsibilities”

Responding to the call of President Ho Chi Minh, in March 1965, the Central Committee of the Vietnam Women’s Union (WU) launched the movement “Three assumptions” of the women. Afterwards, Uncle Ho changed the name of the movement into “Three responsibilities” which was more meaningful, both simple and consistent with the traditions of Vietnamese women. For many years, the movement has been actively and effectively implemented by women across the country, including those of Lang Son province.

Ms. Nong Thanh Hai, Chairwoman of the Provincial Women’s Union, said: “Inheriting the tradition of “Three responsibilities”, today, officers, WU members and women in the province have been striving to gain “confidence, self-respect, loyalty and responsibility” associated with studying and following Uncle. We have broadly launched emulation movements to attract women to participate, such as “Developing the women of Xu Lang in a new era”, “Building a family of 5 no, 3 clean, contributing to the Vietnamese family values”… At the same time, we strengthen the introduction of typical examples in all fields to create spillover effect among units of the union. Through these activities, women have promoted their roles, actively contributed to the realization of economic, cultural and social development goals and participated in building the Party and a strong political system.”

Women in Trang Dinh district introduce typical local products at Women’s Entrepreneurship Day 2022

Accordingly, in the political field, WU at all levels have actively participated in giving comments contributing to the 13th National Party Congress and congresses of the Party at all levels for the 2020-2025 term. At the same time, they have actively participate in criticizing and commenting on draft policies of the Party, draft legal documents and policies on socio-economic development in the locality, especially in the field related to the legitimate rights and interests of women. Currently, the proportion of female officials participating in Party committees at all levels for the 2020-2025 term in the whole province is 23.5%, female member of the People’s Council d at all levels for the 2021-2026 term account for 30.1%; the percentage of female officials planned to join Party committees at all levels of the province is 30.8%.

Ms. Chu Thi Hong Thai, Deputy Chief of the Office of the Provincial Farmers’ Association, a member of the 15th Provincial Delegation of the National Assembly for the term 2021 – 2026, said: “I am very honored to be elected as a member of the National Assembly by voters. With the assigned tasks, I try to manage between the works at the office and at home, I actively research documents, accumulate knowledge and professional expertise to act as a member of the National Assembly.”

In economy, culture and society, women gain income, do start-up, contribute to new rural development and civilized urban. Annually on average, WU at all levels complete more than 400 works of building new rural development at grassroots level, with many typical models such as green – clean – beautiful village, women’s union in environmental protection… From 2017 to now, WU at all levels have coordinated and supported the establishment of 97 groups of cooperatives and cooperatives managed by women, helping over 9,300 female workers to have stable jobs. Prominently, there are a number of products of cooperative groups and cooperatives owned and managed by women that have been granted the OCOP (One Commune One Product) certification of the province such as Chu Hanh jelly (Na Sam town, Van Lang district); Mau Son wild lemon, (Mau Son commune, Loc Binh district); Lua Vy fish mint tea (Quan Son commune, Chi Lang district)…

With the role of “home builder”, Lang Son women always remain “responsible”, connecting and taking care of happy families. Currently, all levels of WU have replicated and maintained over 500 family-related models at the grassroots level, and coordinated to maintain over 1,500 trusted addresses in the community.

Women in Binh Gia district learn and update information on books and newspapers

In order for women to promote the tradition of “Three responsibilities”, all levels of WU in the province have constantly innovated contents and ways of operation, paid more attention to the grassroots. Typically on the occasion of the 92nd anniversary of the Vietnam Women’s Union (October 20, 1930 – October 20, 2022) and Vietnam Women’s Day, WU from provincial to grassroots level organized a variety of activities including culture, art, physical training and sports with flexible forms such as organizing contests, forums, meetings, exchanges, seminars on particular topics and audiences, attracting a large number of members. Ms. Hoang Bich Ngoc, Head of the Women’s Union of Na Pai village, Tan Van commune, Binh Gia district said: “Joining Binh Gia Talented and Charming Women’s Contest at the beginning of October 2022, we learned a lot of useful knowledge about social issues. This is also an opportunity for officials and WU members to exchange, learn experiences, and improve their skills in organizing activities for the union.”

Along with that, in order to encourage the spirit and tradition of “Three responsibilities”, the WU at all levels focused on introducing and spreading typical examples in various fields. Only in the first 9 months of 2022, WU at all levels introduced 531 typical example in economic development, movement, union’s activities, building a happy family, humanitarian work and charity. …

It can be said that, by implementing the movement “Three responsibilities”, women in Xu Lang are increasingly promoting their role, affirming their position, positively contributing to building the party and government, promoting socio-economic development, security – defense, building a more civilized and sustainably developed Lang Son.