Friday,  09/20/2024

Supporting poor students to overcome difficulties: Lighting up dreams

In order to encourage and share with disadvantaged students and orphans to overcome difficulties and achieve good study results in the new school year, in recent years, all levels of the Red Cross (CR) in the province has called for organizations, businesses, and benefactors to sponsor, co-carry and support them in remaining educated and to light up their dreams.

In the 2022-2023 school year, Luong Thi Thuy (class 12A4) living in Khau Ngoa village, Tran Ninh commune, Van Quan district, an orphan from a poor household, and Dam Thi Lien (class 12A1) residing in Ban O village, Hoang Viet commune, Van Lang district with extremely difficult circumstances have received scholarships to study abroad at GOTO Japan Language School, each scholarship is worth 440 million VND. These scholarships are provided by the Provincial Red Cross after reviewing and connecting with Jellyfish Vietnam Joint Stock Company. They are full scholarships including the cost of studying Japanese for 6 months at the company; the cost of preparing and applying for a study abroad application; dormitory costs and tuition fees for 2 years in Japan.

A leader of the Provincial Red Cross and the sponsor present bicycles to disadvantaged students in Huu Lung district

Luong Thi Thuy was touched: “Receiving this scholarship is a great joy for me. I promise to study well to become a useful person for society, to be able to return and gain myself a career as to repay for the support of my teachers and family members.”

Recently, 10 disadvantaged students from schools in Huu Lung district have also received new bicycles from the program “With you to school – Lifting dreams” organized by the Provincial Red Cross in cooperation with Lang Son branch of Prudential Life Insurance Company Limited.

Ms. Truong Hoai Thu, Director of Prudential’s General Agent Office, Lang Son Branch said: “The program “With you to school – Lifting dreams” implemented by the company in collaboration with the Provincial Red Cross has been implemented for 3 years. In the past 3 years, we have given 30 bicycles to disadvantaged students in the province. This is to encourage them in their studies.”

Not only the above cases, from the beginning of the school year 2022 – 2023 up to now, all levels of Red Cross in the province have mobilized, connected organizations, businesses, benefactors and collaborated with the education sector in the province to survey and find children with different circumstances. Thereby, more than 1,500 gifts, scholarships, and school supplies have been awarded with a total value of over 3 billion VND to disadvantaged students.

The leader of Jellyfish Vietnam Joint Stock Company awards scholarships to study in Japan for two students Luong Thi Thuy and Dam Thi Lien, Van Lang High School, Van Lang district

Ms. Nong Bich Thuan, Chairwoman of the Provincial Red Cross, said: “For families with difficult economic conditions, the preparation of school supplies, clothes, shoes and payment for tuition fee at the beginning of a school year for their children is a burden. Therefore, the Red Cross at all levels in the province have called for organizations, businesses, units and benefactors to donate cash and school supplies and send them as scholarships, bicycles and other practical gifts. Thereby, it can somehow help the disadvantaged, which supports the children to go to school.”

In the coming time, the Provincial Red Cross will continue to mobilize organizations and benefactors to join hands to support and contribute to humanitarian funds in more forms so that more and more poor students can be helped. At the same time, it will coordinate with organizations, businesses, survey units to select poor students with high studying results and to present them with more and more scholarships to study abroad…