Friday,  09/20/2024

The imprint of 10 years of Law implementation: Dissemination of legal education

The Law on Legal Dissemination and Education was approved by the 13th National Assembly on June 20, 2012, and took effect from January 1, 2013. After 10 years of implementation, the implementation of the Law on Legal Defense in the province has achieved many positive results, contributing to maintaining political security, social order and safety, and promoting socio-economic development of the province.

Synchronous implementation

As soon as The Law on Legal Dissemination and Education was passed, the Provincial People’s Committee issued Plan No. 67/KH-UBND dated 23/11/2012 on implementing the law. Mr. Nguyen Thanh Son, Director of the Department of Justice, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee Coordination Council said: The Department has advised the Provincial People’s Committee to thoroughly understand and disseminate the contents of the Law on Legal Dissemination and Education and its implementation guiding documents at the provincial level. At the same time, the department advised on the development of plans of the Provincial People’s Committee on the implementation of programs and projects on The Law on Legal Dissemination and Education in the province in each period and every year, create a basis for departments, agencies, sectors, mass organizations and People’s Committees at all levels to carry out synchronous and focused legal protection work, suitable to each region and each time.

Justice and civil status officer in Gia Cat commune, Cao Loc district to propagate the law to ethnic minorities

 Accordingly, the Coordination Council for Legal Education Dissemination at all levels is regularly consolidated and maintained. At present, the whole province has 86 provincial-level legal rapporteurs, 320 district-level legal rapporteurs, more than 3,000 law announcers, and more than 10,000 mediators. This is the core force, the bridge to bring the law to the people.

At the grassroots level, the Party Committee and the government also pay attention to the implementation of Legal Education Dissemination work for officials and the people. Every year, 100% of communes, wards and townships develop legal protection plans, propagate the law through conferences, integrate it at village meetings, and participate in activities of clubs and associations.

From the synchronous implementation, the work of Legal Education Dissemination from the province to the grassroots achieved positive results. Over the past 10 years, the province has organized over 130,000 legal conferences and trainings for more than 4 million listeners on many different legal fields; organized more than 1,500 seminars and talks on law with more than 90,000 attendees. All levels and sectors have compiled, published and distributed more than 6 million documents, propaganda materials of Legal Education Dissemination.

 Diversity of content and forms of propaganda

 Every year, the Coordination Council for Legal Education Dissemination of the province directs the main contents to be propagated, which focuses on disseminating newly promulgated laws, resolutions and legal policies to serve the local socio-economic development tasks in various fields. All levels, sectors and mass organizations have focused on legal regulation related to issues of public interest such as traffic safety legislation, complaints, denunciations, land, construction…

The functional forces in the area of Loc Binh district coordinate with mobile law propaganda in Mau Son commune, Loc Binh district

 In particular, the form of Legal Education Dissemination is increasingly innovative, diverse and appropriate. In the past 10 years, the whole province has appeared many good models, effective ways of doing things, both promoting the role of oral propaganda and having creativity through forms of Legal Education Dissemination , in which there are many new forms such as online propaganda, on social networks; websites of agencies and units; mock trial; border and school…

Even during the time of the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, the work of Legal Education Dissemination is still implemented synchronously, with flexible ways, to ensure the delivery of legal information to the People. Mrs. Tran Thi Vuong, block 12, Hoang Van Thu ward, Lang Son city said: Currently, we have access to the law through many forms. During the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, we still grasp the legal propaganda content through social networks,  public speakers, mobile phones, etc. Through this, it helps us to raise awareness, strictly abide by the law, and actively participate in local activities.

Ms. Hoang Hai Yen, Head of Justice Division of Cao Loc district said: With the characteristics of the border district, in the past 10 years, in implementing the Law on Legal Education Dissemination, we have been constantly innovating, the content of the form of Legal Education Dissemination has been improved, the whole district has organized more than 400 propaganda campaigns with over 560,000 participants. In particular, special attention is paid to specific subjects such as ethnic minorities, students, young people, workers… Thereby, bringing about practical efficiency, the work of law enforcement has received more and more attention, contributing to maintaining political security, social order and safety in the district.

Especially, on the annual Vietnam Law Day (November 9), 100% of departments, agencies, and People’s Committees of districts and city organized activities to respond such as hanging banners, slogans, seminars, seminars, conferences, summarizing and awarding prizes for legal competitions… In the past 10 years, the whole province has organized to respond to Law Day with more than 4,500 conferences and seminars, attracting more than 340,000 listeners.

After 10 years of implementation of the Law on Legal Education Dissemination, it has brought about positive changes, raising the people’s awareness and sense of law observance. For example, in 2021, the province has 164,210/192,685 households achieving the title of cultural family, reached 85% (up 4.2% compared to 2020). In 2022, the total number of households registered to strive for the title of cultural family is 178,745/192,719 households, reached 92.74%…

Ms. Le Ngoc Thuy, Head of Propaganda Department – Policy, Law, Provincial Women’s Union 

“Every year, the advisory board advises the leaders of the union to issue a plan to implement the Legal Education Dissemination work, and at the same time directs 100% of the associations to carry out the law enforcement work in union with the implementation of emulation movements, the key tasks of the Union.

In particular, we established and maintained more than 200 Facebook accounts of all levels of unions, nearly 2,000 Zalo groups from the province to the grassroots, the website of the provincial union to serve propaganda in general and the  Legal Education Dissemination in particular. After 10 years of implementing the Law on Legal Education Dissemination, unions at all levels have organized more than 20,000 propaganda sessions, attracting over 1.7 million turns of members and people to participate…

Through propaganda, the awareness of members and the people is increasingly enhanced, thereby actively participating in movements and activities of the union. For example, for the 2016-2021 term, the province has more than 66,000 member households meeting 11 criteria of ” Family of 5 Without-s and 3 Clean-s and 3 Safe-s” (an increase of 4,500 households compared to the previous term), including criteria. “The family does not violate the law and social evils”…


Senior Lieutenant Colonel Duong Van Hao, Politician of Chi Ma Border Guard Station 

The station manages and protects more than 16km of the border line, in charge of 3 communes: Yen Khoai, Mau Son, Tu Mich (Loc Binh district). In 3 communes, there are 19 villages, including 6 border villages, with more than 9,000 people. In order to effectively propagate the law, we take the information and communication team of the unit and 3 border communes as the core, edit the outline and content of propaganda about the law; ; advise and coordinate with Party committees, authorities, mass organizations and functional forces to organize extensive propaganda and Legal Education Dissemination among the people and subjects in border areas. In the past 10 years, the unit has coordinated to organize Legal Education Dissemination for over 200 meetings, with more than 17,000 listeners, small propaganda for nearly 12,000 people… Thereby, the station contributed to raising awareness and sense of law observance of people in border areas, people have actively participated with the Border Guard to firmly protect territorial sovereignty, national border security, and build a strong border area; provided a wealth of valuable information, helping us to successfully fight many types of crime.