Friday,  09/20/2024

Lang Son: Awarding the title of artisan and celebrating Vietnam Cultural Heritage Day November, 23

On the morning of November 23, the Provincial People’s Committee solemnly held a ceremony to award the title of “People’s Artisan” “Excellent artisan” in the field of intangible cultural heritage for the third time and celebrate Vietnam Cultural Heritage Day (November 23).

Attending the ceremony were Mr. Duong Xuan Huyen, Member of Standing Committee of Provincial Party Committee, Standing Vice Chairman of Provincial People’s Committee; Mrs. Giap Thi Bac, Member of Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the Provincial Party Committee’s Mass Mobilization Commission; representatives of provincial departments, agencies, People’s Committees of districts and city and a large number of artisans in the province.

Under the authorization of the State President, Mr. Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee (far right) and Mrs. Head of the Provincial Party Committee’s Mass Mobilization Commission (far left) presented flowers and titles to 2 People’s Artists

In the third awarding, Lang Son province has 2 artisans conferred People’s Artisan by the State President and 13 artists conferred the title of Excellent Artisan. Up to now, Lang Son province has had 34 artisans conferred the title, including: 5 People’s Artists and 29 Excellent Artists.

Under the authorization of the State President, Mr. Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee (5th from the right) and Mrs. Head of the Provincial Party Committee’s Mass Mobilization Commission (5th from the left) presented flowers and titles to the Excellent Artisans

At the ceremony, the delegates watched a clip reviewing the tradition of Vietnam’s Cultural Heritage Day on November 23 and the results of conservation and promotion of the values of cultural heritages in the province. Accordingly, on February 24, 2005, the Prime Minister signed Decision No. 36/2005/QD – TTg on the designation of November 23 every year as “Vietnam Cultural Heritage Day”. The premise for the Government to decide to choose November 23 as “Vietnamese Cultural Heritage Day” comes from Ordinance 65/SL signed by the President of the Provisional Government Ho Chi Minh on November 23, 1945. This is the first Decree of our State on the preservation of national cultural heritage.

Over the years, Lang Son province has had many activities and positive solutions to arouse, preserve and promote the value of the nation’s unique cultural heritages. Up to now, the whole province has 335 relics that have been inventoryed and put on the management list; including 2 special national relics, 29 national monuments, 102 provincial relics; there are 8 intangible cultural heritages included in the list of national intangible cultural heritages by the Ministry of Culture, Sports and Tourism; 1 heritage listed by UNESCO as the representative intangible cultural heritage of humanity…

Speaking at the ceremony, Mr. Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee congratulated 15 artisans who were conferred noble titles by the State President. He expressed his wish that the artisans would continue to promote their talents, knowledge, roles and responsibilities in preserving, practicing, preserving and transmitting national cultural heritage values, continuing to contribute more for the cause of conservation and promotion of the cultural heritage capital of the ethnic minorities in Lang Son. Since then, artisans replicated, spreaded and developed traditional cultural heritage values of ethnic groups into typical cultural tourism products, , contributing to promoting economic and social development in localities in the period of regional and international integration.

Mr. Duong Xuan Huyen, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee spoke at the ceremony

At the same time, he suggested that all levels and sectors, especially the Culture, Sports and Tourism industry continue to assume the prime responsibility and coordinate with relevant agencies and units to advise the province to focus on implementing a number of contents such as promoting propaganda of the Party’s guidelines, policies and laws of the State in the field of cultural heritage to raise awareness among officials and people about culture, clearly identifying relics as a solid spiritual foundation of society, it is an important endogenous force to ensure sustainable development; improve the effectiveness and efficiency of State management in the field of cultural heritage according to management decentralization; well perform the inventory, make scientific dossiers of tangible and intangible cultural heritage; strengthen training and foster human resources, strengthen the organization and management apparatus of cultural heritage from the province to the grassroots.

On this occasion, 2 groups and 5 individuals received certificates of merit from the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee; 8 groups and 4 individuals received certificates of merit from the Director of the Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism for “Excellent achievements in preserving and promoting cultural heritage values in Lang Son province in the period of 2020-2022 “.

In the third awarding, Lang Son province has 2 artisans conferred People’s Artists by the President, including: People’s Artist Ta Bich Loc, Lang Son City and People’s Artist Ha Thi Ven, Cao Loc District. 13 artisans were conferred the title of Excellent Artist, including: Mrs. Leo Thi Tron (Huu Lung district); Mrs. Hoang Thi Phun, Mr. Nong Van Hien, Mr. Hoang Van Cai (Cao Loc district); Mrs. Doan Bich Khe, Mrs. Be Thi Van, Mrs. Nong Thi Cuc, Mr. Nguyen Van Tho, (Trang Dinh district); Mr. Dang Minh Tai (Dinh Lap district); Mr. Lam Van Dam (Binh Gia district); Mrs. Dang Thuy Nga, Mrs. Thin Thu Huong (Lang Son city); Mrs. Nguyen Thi Tich (Van Lang district).