Friday,  09/20/2024

Professional seminar named “Improving the importance, role, and quality of activities of the Journalists Association at provincial and municipal levels in the new situation”

On the morning of November 27, in Lang Son city, the Journalists Association (JA) of Lang Son province hosted the 17th professional seminar of JA for the northern midland and mountainous provinces and Hanoi city in 2022 with the theme “Improving the importance, role, and quality of activities of the JA at provincial and municipal levels in the new situation”.

Overview of the seminar “Improving the importance, role, and quality of activities of the JA at provincial and municipal levels in the new situation”

Leaders of Vietnam Journalists Association and People’s Committee of Lang Son province exchanged and shared information with leaders of JA of provinces at the seminar

Mr. Le Quoc Minh, Member of the Executive Committee of Party Central Committee, Editor-in-Chief of Nhan Dan Newspaper, Deputy Head of the Central Propaganda and Education Commission, Chairman of Vietnam JA; Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the People’s Committee of Lang Son province; Mr. Hoang Dinh Hom, Member of the Executive Committee of Provincial Party Committee, Editor-in-Chief of Lang Son Newspaper, Chairman of Provincial JA; leaders of the Propaganda and Education Commission of the Provincial Party Committee, Department of Information and Communications; 11 delegations of JA from Lang Son, Bac Ninh, Bac Kan, Bac Giang, Cao Bang, Thai Nguyen, Tuyen Quang, Lao Cai, Ha Giang, Yen Bai, Vinh Phuc provinces attended the seminar.

Leaders of JA of Lang Son, Lao Cai and Bac Kan co-chaired the seminar.

Mr. Hoang Dinh Hom, Member of the Executive Committee of Provincial Party Committee, Editor-in-Chief of Lang Son Newspaper, Chairman of Provincial JA presented a report at the conference

Presenting the report, Chairman of JA of Lang Son province affirmed: “After more than 2 years of implementing Directive No. 43-CT/TW dated April 8, 2020 of the 8th Secretariat of the Party Central Committee on “Strengthening the Party’s leadership over the activities of the Vietnam JA in ​​the new situation”, the Central Committee of Vietnam JA in ​​general, the JA of ​​the Northern midland and mountainous provinces and Hanoi city in particular have continuously consolidated and developed; they have continued to affirm their importance in the revolutionary cause of the Party, the quality of the JA’s activities has been increasingly improved, it is worthy to be the common home of provincial and municipal press.”

Leaders of JA of provinces presented at the seminar

At the seminar, leaders of JA of ​​provinces and cities discussed and clarified a number of issues including political, ideological and professional ethics education for JA members and journalists; experience in encouraging JA members and journalists to write articles and improve the quality of special magazines and newsletters for local journalists; recruitment of JA members, improving the quality of activities of press branches and clubs; informing legal documents on journalism to JA members, regulations on professional ethics, rules for using social networks of Vietnamese journalists; organizing field trips for members in order to create inspiration for works to participate in the Provincial Press Awards, National Press Awards; building structure, creating position, improving the efficiency of the association’s work; the coordination between press directing and managing agencies in advising on the formulation of mechanisms and policies for the development and management of the press and journalists; launching the emulation movement to build a cultural environment in the press agencies and the culture of journalists; experience to create high-quality journalistic works to participate in press awards of provinces, ministries and central branches…

Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee speaks at the seminar

At the seminar, the Chairman of the People’s Committee of Lang Son province introduced about the province’s socio-economic development in recent years and the results of implementing the province’s targets in 2022. He acknowledged, praised and thanked the efforts and contributions of Vietnam and Lang Son JA, those of other provinces, and press agencies inside and outside the province who have always accompanied, supported and helped Lang Son province in the past time.

He requested the Provincial JA and provincial press agencies to focus on innovating, actively participating in and adapting to the 4.0 revolution to improve the efficiency of press activities and improve the quality of activities of the association, to strengthen and to improve the professional qualifications of members and journalists; to pay attention to recruiting members, protecting legitimate rights and interests of members. The Provincial JA was required to advise and organize the annual Lang Son Press Awards; press agencies should promote timely news and information which were also combative, and public opinion-oriented; to bravely fight against false claims, especially in cyberspace.

The Chairman of People’s Committee of Lang Son province expected the leaders of Vietnam JA and that of other provinces, departments, boards and sectors of the province to actively coordinate, support and create favorable conditions for JA of Lang Son province as well as members of JA in operation, organization, construction and development.

Mr. Le Quoc Minh, Member of the Executive Committee of Party Central Committee, Editor-in-Chief of Nhan Dan Newspaper, Deputy Head of the Central Propaganda and Education Commission, Chairman of Vietnam JA addresses the seminar

Speaking at the seminar, the Chairman of Vietnam JA highly appreciated the reports and opinions of JA of provinces presented at the seminar, and at the same time informed and answered some questions of JA of provinces on the charter of JA; unify model of JA in ​​provinces and cities nationwide; activities of local reporters…

He shared the difficulties in human resources at JA, the press agencies of the provinces throughout the country. At the same time, he pointed out the limitations that need to be overcome, directed and oriented important and urgent issues in building a strong and comprehensive JA organization in the coming years.

He highly appreciated that the topic and content of this seminar which was suitable to the reality of JA’s work. He asked JA of ​​the Northern midland and mountainous provinces and Hanoi city to continue to direct the implementation of Directive No. 43-CT/TW, dated April 8, 2020 of the 8th Central Secretariat on “Strengthening the leadership of the Party over the activities of the Vietnam Journalists Association; requested JA members to continue effectively implementing 10 articles of journalistic ethics regulations; to implement the rules of using social networks for Vietnamese journalists; emulation movement to build a cultural environment in the press agencies and the culture of Vietnamese journalists.

The leader of Lang Son Provincial JA hands the rotation flag to the leader of Bac Kan Provincial JA- the host of the seminar in 2023

At the seminar, the leader of Lang Son Provincial JA handed the rotation flag to the leader of Bac Kan Provincial JA- the host of the seminar in 2023.