Friday,  09/20/2024

Summaring of the emulation cluster of the Fatherland Front Committees of the mountainous northern border provinces: The Fatherland Front Committee of Lang Son province was honored as a comprehensive excellent unit

On the afternoon of December 2, in Lang Son city, the Emulation Cluster of the Fatherland Front Committee of 7 northern border provinces included: Lang Son, Cao Bang, Son La, Lai Chau, Lao Cai, Ha Giang, Dien Bien held a conference to summarize activities in 2022 and a seminar on the Campaign “Vietnamese people give priority to using Vietnamese goods”.

Mr. Hoang Van Nghiem, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the Provincial National Assembly Delegation delivered a welcome speech at the conference

Attending the conference were Mr. Hoang Van Nghiem, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the Provincial Delegation of the National Assembly; Mrs.Doan Thu Ha, Member of Standing Committee of Provincial Party Committee, Vice Chairwoman of Provincial People’s Committee; leaders of the Fatherland Front Committees of the provinces in the emulation cluster.

On the central side, there was Mrs.Truong Thi Ngoc Anh, Vice Chairwoman of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front.

In 2022, the units in the Emulation Cluster of the Fatherland Front Committee of the Northern mountainous provinces (led by the Fatherland Front Committee of Lang Son province) have well implemented the program of coordination and unification of actions, effectively implemented campaigns and patriotic emulation movements, paying attention to the work for social security. Specifically, the units mobilized funds and resources with a total value of over 200 billion VND to build new rural areas; support to repair and build more than 3,200 great solidarity houses for poor households.

Mrs. Truong Thi Ngoc Anh, Vice Chairwoman of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front spoke at the conference

Social supervision and criticism, participation in Party and government building, propaganda on seas and islands, protect national border sovereignty, people’s foreign relations activities are maintained effectively, quality is improved.

For the Campaign “Vietnamese people give priority to using Vietnamese goods”, the Provincial Fatherland Front Committees have coordinated to promote propaganda; strengthened supervision on market management, proposed strict handling of acts of producing, trading and transporting smuggled goods, counterfeit goods, imitation goods, poor quality goods… contribute to raising awareness and changing the behavior of all classes of people in using and consuming Vietnamese goods, and protecting the interests of consumers.

Units in the competition cluster signed the contest contract in 2023

At the conference, The delegates of the provinces exchanged and discussed in order to clarify the achieved results, share experiences to better perform the front work and the campaign “Vietnamese people give priority to using Vietnamese goods” in the future.

Speaking at the conference, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee emphasized: the conference is not only an opportunity for Lang Son province to exchange, study and refer to good experiences and good practices in front work activities,  but also an opportunity for the provinces to strengthen relationships, cooperation, sharing and learning from each other to successfully carry out the assigned political tasks; promote the strength of the great national unity bloc, contribute to maintaining political security, social order and safety, successfully implementing the goals and tasks of the Resolution of the 13th Party Congress and the resolutions of the Party congresses of the northern border mountainous provinces.

Mr. Nong Luong Chan, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Fatherland Front Committee of Lang Son province (right) presented the leader flag of the Cluster Leader in 2023 to Dien Bien province.

During the conference, the organizers announced the results of the contest, according to which the Fatherland Front Committee of Lang Son province is the excellent comprehensive unit of the cluster; launched and signed the emulation agreement, awarded the flag in rotation to Dien Bien province – the head unit of the emulation cluster of the Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee of 7 northern mountainous provinces in 2023.

Speaking at the conference, Mr. Vice Chairman of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front noted and highly appreciated the results that the emulation cluster has achieved over time, in which the Fatherland Front Committee of Lang Son province has well performed the role and responsibility of the cluster leader. He suggested that the provincial Fatherland Front Committees continue to promote the achieved results, focus on propagating the guidelines of the Party, policies and laws of the State; coordinate well in the implementation of campaigns, patriotic emulation movements, associated with national target programs.

In addition, proactively propose, coordinate and organize regular meetings and dialogues between heads of Party committees and authorities and people of all walks of life according to localities, regions, and target groups to fully understand thoughts and aspirations of the people of all classes; proactively coordinate and resolve complex cases arising from the grassroots; renovate the work of supervision and criticism in the direction of focus; pay attention to consolidating and consolidating the organizational apparatus under the direction and guidance of the central government; promote and improve the qualifications of front staff at all levels…

Delegates visited the production line at Bao Long Co., Ltd., Cao Loc district

Within the framework of the program, in the morning of the same day, the delegation of the Central Committee of the Vietnam Fatherland Front and the Emulation Cluster of the Fatherland Front Committee of 7 northern mountainous provinces visited production and business activities at Vietnam – Japan Electric Vehicle One Member Co., Ltd (Lang Son city); Bao Long Co., Ltd (Cao Loc district). These are businesses that have well implemented the campaign “Vietnamese people give priority to using Vietnamese goods”.