Friday,  09/20/2024

Issuing passports online: Crating favorable condition for the people

Recently, the Immigration Office of the Provincial Public Security have strengthened propaganda, guidance and support for people wishing to apply for and change ordinary passports without electronic chips through the online public service portal and achieved initial results, saving people’s effort, time and travel costs.

Previously, in order to apply for an ordinary passport, people often had to spend a lot of time, money, and effort to go through the procedures, waited to submit the application and received the result, but since the application is made online (end of September 2022), people who wish to import and export have easily made declarations to apply for and change passports easily and quickly.

Officials of the Immigration Office, Provincial Public Security guided people to register for an account to apply for an ordinary passport through the online public service portal

Recorded at the reception division of the Immigration Office, Provincial Public Security on a last day of November 2022, we observed that there were nearly 30 people who were guided and supported by officials of the Immigration Office to register, issue and change ordinary passports without electronic chips through the Public Service portal of the Ministry of Public Security.

Mrs. Hoang Thi Sau, block 1, Cao Loc town, Cao Loc district said: In 2019, I made a passport to go to China, at that time, I had to do a lot of paper procedures, but this time I only needed a smartphone with an internet connection, less than 15 minutes I was instructed by the staff to register for a new passport easily. Moreover, the new passport was also sent to my house, saving me the hassle of traveling.

Senior Lieutenant Colonel Nguyen Thi Tuyet, Deputy Head of Immigration Office, Provincial Public Security said: Implementing Decision No. 10695/QD-BCA dated December 25, 2021 of the Minister of Public Security on approving the list of level 3 and 4 public services provided on the Public Service Portal of the Ministry of Public Security in 2022 and for the online issuance and exchange of passports to be highly effective and convenient for people, from the end of September 2022, the unit advised leaders of the Provincial Public Security to invest in equipment and internet transmission system to ensure smooth operation; promote propaganda, guide and support people to register for passport issuance accounts through the online public service portal. At the same time, the office thoroughly understood and asked staff in the unit to actively research, study, improve their qualifications, ensure the receipt and processing of documents quickly and in accordance with the process and appoint more staff to directly support people in need.

Accordingly, the Immigration Office has propagated through the mass media;  posted pictures and clips of the passport registration process at the head office and reception area for people to easily grasp and implement; posted news, articles, photos on the unit’s Facebook, Zalo fanpage… From the beginning of October until now, the unit has propagated to nearly 5,000 people about the issue of ordinary passports without electronic chips through the online public service; organized training and guidance for nearly 100 commune police officers on the process of applying for a new passport model through the online public service portal… at the same time, the unit has arranged 6 computers with internet connection for people who need to register at the reception.

Senior Lieutenant Tran Dieu Linh, an officer of the Immigration Management Division of Vietnamese citizens, Immigration Office of The Provincial Public Security said: Every citizen comes to ask for a passport to be issued or changed, we all propagate it so that people know and guide their relatives and friends. Some people in remote districts such as Huu Lung, Bac Son, Trang Dinh … after being supported, guided people around who had needs to do the same, helping to reduce costs, travel effort, and time.

As a result, from October 1 to present, out of a total of nearly 1,300 applications for issuance and replacement of passports, there are nearly 1,000 applications for online passport issuance through the online service portal, accounting for nearly 80% and an increase of nearly 90% compared to the number of applications received online in July, August, September, 2022, most of the remaining cases are children under 14 years old, who must go to the headquater of the Immigration Office to do the application directly.

With the motto “Open, transparent, fast, convenient, reduce costs, save time”, the implementation of the issuance and exchange of ordinary passports without chips through the service portal has achieved positive results, thereby helping to promote digital transformation in the management of immigration, bringing convenience and satisfaction to people. At the same time, it also contributed to the effective implementation of the Prime Minister’s Decision No. 06/QD-TTg dated January 6, 2022 approving the Project “Developing the application of data on population, identification and electronic authentication for national digital transformation in the period of 2022 – 2025, with a vision to 2030”.