Friday,  09/20/2024

Summarizing the protection of the Party’s ideological foundation and foreign information work in 2022

On the morning of December 12, the Provincial Steering Committee on protecting the ideological foundation of the Party, fighting against wrong and hostile views and the Provincial Steering Committee for External Information Work held a conference to review activities in 2022 and implement tasks in 2023.

Mr. Hoang Van Nghiem, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the Provincial National Assembly Delegation, Head of two Provincial Steering Committees delivered a speech at the conference

Mr. Hoang Van Nghiem, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the Provincial National Assembly Delegation, Head of two steering committees; Mr. Phung Quang Hoi, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the Provincial Party Committee’s Propaganda Commission, Deputy Head of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Steering Committee for External Information Work, Deputy Head of the Provincial Steering Committee on protecting the ideological foundation of the Party, fighting against wrong and hostile views co-chaired the conference.

Attending the conference were Mr. Duong Xuan Huyen, member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee; members of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee; members of two steering committees; Standing Party Committee of the district, city and party committees under the Provincial Party Committee.

Delegates listened to the draft report of activities in 2022 of the two steering committees

In 2022, the Provincial Steering Committee on protecting the ideological foundation of the Party, fighting against wrong and hostile views continued to effectively implement its work tasks and promptly orient public opinion. Members of the steering committee at all levels actively implement the implementation, in accordance with actual conditions; published nearly 30,000 news, articles, reportage … on the media of the province; shared over 79,500 news, articles, photos, videos, reports… on social networks, attracted 42 million hits.

External information work has been effectively implemented by all levels, sectors, agencies and units in the province with practical,  and focused on key activities. Agencies and units have organized to welcome and work with 39 delegations, 138 turns of foreigners from 15 countries and territories to study, survey and explore investment opportunities; organized 41 meetings online and in person with foreign partners. Propaganda and organization of external information activities closely follow the guidelines and lines of the Party, policies, laws of the State and guiding documents of the central and provincial governments, suitable to each locality and target. The province has organized many big events, widely promoting the image to domestic and international friends.

At the conference, delegates discussed, expressed opinions, shared experiences, good practices, and raised difficulties in implementing and performing tasks.Which focuses on issues such as leadership, direction, propaganda to fight against wrong and hostile views in cyberspace, the mass media; monitoring, grasping the situation and sensitizing cadres, party members, writers, artists and intellectuals who show discontent and political opportunities; experiencing in implementing external information work, organizing foreign exchange activities, cooperating with localities at the same level of China… At the same time, the delegates proposed  solutions and directions to improve the quality of these two areas of work in 2023.

Speaking at the conference, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee noted and praised the achievements in external information work and protected the ideological foundation of the Party in 2022. He suggested that in the coming time, agencies and units, members of the two steering committees at provincial and district levels, should continue to stick to the Party’s guidelines, policies and laws of the State to direct the implementation of the set tasks; strengthen coordination, renovate content, improve propaganda quality, proactively orient public opinion, promptly solve outstanding and pressing issues of public concern.

At the same time, agencies and units should focus on promoting the role of role models of cadres and party members, especially heads of Party committees, authorities, agencies and units at all levels; evaluate, forecast, coordinate to fight, prevent and effectively handle malicious information in cyberspace. At the same time, they should pay attention to strengthen forces, promote the synergy of the whole political system; strengthen training and professional development for the team of experts, collaborators and advisory forces to assist the two steering committees to meet the requirements of the task.

He also suggested that the district, city and provincial party committees under the Provincial Party Committee strengthen their leadership, direct the implementation of activities, and organize the implementation of the plans and instructions of the central government, province on these two fields of work associated with the implementation of political tasks to ensure practicality and efficiency.

On this occasion, the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee presented certificates of merit to 9 collectives and 11 individuals; The two provincial steering committees presented certificates of merit to 8 collectives and 10 individuals with outstanding achievements in protecting the Party’s foundation, fighting against hostile wrong views, and external information in 2022.

Provincial Steering Committee on protecting the ideological foundation of the Party, fighting against wrong and hostile views, awarded certificates of merit to 7 groups and 7 individuals with outstanding achievements in consulting, implementation and participation in “The 2nd contest of writing essays on protecting the ideological foundation of the Party, fighting against wrong and hostile views, 2022” in the province.