Friday,  09/20/2024

Reviewing the works of press, culture and arts

On the afternoon of December 16, the Propaganda and Education Commission of the Provincial Party Committee held a conference to review the works of press, culture and arts in 2022 and to announce the tasks in 2023. Mr. Phung Quang Hoi, Member of the Standing Committee Provincial Party Committee, Head of Propaganda and Education Commission of the Provincial Party Committee chaired the conference.

Mr.  Phung Quang Hoi, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the Propaganda and Education Commission of the Provincial Party Committee concludes the conference

In 2022, the management of press activities has been strengthened, and journalists’ professional activities have been strictly managed. The rate of positive information has increased and that of negative information has decreased, contributing to the socio-economic development of the province, attracting investors. Specifically, Lang Son Newspaper has published 260 printed newspapers, maintained 13 effective columns on printed newspapers; the online newspaper has been posting more than 60 news, articles and photos every day. Provincial Radio and Television Station has broadcast and updated more than 18,500 news, radio and television sessions. Xu Lang Arts Magazine has published 12 issues, with a printing volume of 9,600 copies; posted nearly 800 literary and artistic works…

The Propaganda and Education Commission of the Provincial Party Committee, agencies and units in the cultural and artistic sector have actively advised the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee and the Provincial People’s Committee to seriously and effectively lead, direct, and implement the resolutions, directives of the Party, laws of the State on culture, literature and art. Cultural and artistic activities have been organized in a solemn, safe, healthy, thrifty manner in accordance with regulations, in accordance with the fine traditions and customs of the nation and the prevention and control against COVID-19 pandemic of the province. The literary and artistic works have been created with the fine content and art, contributing to enriching the cultural and spiritual life of the people inside and outside the province…

At the conference, the delegates discussed and raised their opinions to further clarify the results and limitations in 2022. At the same time, they proposed solutions to improve the quality of cultural and artistic work in 2023. In which the attention should be given to the management of press agencies in the province; coordination between press agencies and provincial departments, boards and sectors; the performance and exchange of culture and art inside and outside the province; the development the popular cultural and artistic movement, the organization of traditional folk songs teaching classes…

Speaking at the conclusion of the conference, the Head of the Propaganda and Education Commission of the Provincial Party Committee suggested that the press agencies in the province continue to actively popularize the Party’s guidelines and the State’s laws and policies in the coming time; actively spread positive information under the motto “the beauty to eliminate the bad”. At the same time, they should improve the quality of news, articles, reportage, specialized pages and categories; increase information about areas with special difficulties, current issues, public interest, updated and timely events taking place in the province.

For the cultural and artistic works, he requested agencies and units in charge of these work to continue to follow the coordination regulations; to advise the Party committees and authorities in leading, directing, popularizing, propagating and well implementing the resolutions, directives and conclusions of the Central Government and the province on cultural and artistic works. Along with that, they were also required to promote propaganda about the celebration of important holidays and events of the country and province in accordance with the actual situation of the sector and locality; to renovate and improve the effectiveness and efficiency of state management of culture and art.