Friday,  09/20/2024

Building a “skillful, lean and strong” armed force

Over the years, Party committees and authorities at all levels in the province have led, directed and mobilized the strength of the whole political system and the people to participate in building an increasingly stronger armed forces. Thereby, it contributes to the effective implementation of local national defense work, meeting the requirements of national development and defense in the new situation.

On March 7, 1947, the Lang Son Provincial Soldier And Militia Command (now the Military Command (MC) of Lang Son province) was established. After more than 75 years of construction, fighting and growth, the province’s armed force always uphold the tradition of “Being loyal to the Party, pious to the people and ready to fight and sacrifice their lives for independence and freedom of the Homeland, and socialism, fulfilling any tasks, overcoming any difficulties and defeating any enemies” of the Vietnam People’s Army.

Leaders of Military Zone 1 and Provincial People’s Committee visit the display of weapon and technical equipment system of the provincial armed forces

Identifying the armed force as the core force in performing local defense work, Party committees and authorities at all levels have considered leading, directing and building the “revolutionary, regular, skillful and gradually modern” provincial armed force a regular task. At the same time, they have paid attention to building clean and strong party organizations in the Party Committee of Provincial Military Command and armed forces, associating with building “Exemplary, typical” and comprehensively strong offices and units, improving quality and effectiveness of party and political work in performing tasks.

Colonel Le Van Ben, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Provincial Military Command, Political Commissar of the Provincial Military Command said: “Every year, the Party Committee of Provincial Military Command actively coordinates with provincial boards and sectors to advise the Provincial Party Committee, Provincial People’s Committee to synchronously promulgates the system of documents to lead and direct the construction of the provincial armed force in accordance with the actual condition and situation of the province. At the same time, military agencies at all levels have focused on building working style and manners, strictly observing military discipline; reviewing and promptly supplementing working regulations, clearly assigning responsibilities, ensuring the right functions, tasks and powers, creating unity in the organization and building the force.”

With the motto of building the “skillful, lean and strong” provincial armed force with a reasonable, balanced and synchronous organizational structure and number of troops among the various components of the armed forces, annually, military agencies at all levels have actively advised to prioritize building and developing human resources, ensuring flexibility, cohesion, discipline according to a unified principle, contributing to the common strength of the army.

At present, officers at all levels of the provincial armed force with bachelor and post-graduate degrees account for 77%, those with intermediate and college degrees account for 13.3%, the percentage of party members accounts for over 99.75%; those with the advanced level of political theory account for 12.5% and with the intermediate level of political theory account for nearly 70%. From 2020 up to now, the provincial armed force have dissolved the Provincial Military School in accordance with the regulations of their superiors; established a company of engineers; reorganized, reassigned tasks for Regiment 123; established militia and army companies…

The province’s reconnaissance troops train on the field

Major Duong Xuan Quynh, Political Director of Regiment 123, Provincial Military Command said: “As soon as the regiment was reorganized and assigned tasks, the unit quickly stabilized its organization and personnel in accordance with regulation and instruction, tutorial; fully received 100% soldiers, weapons, technical equipment, defense land, barracks, supplies, assets and finance according to the decision, ensuring the performance of the tasks. At the same time, it have been informing, educating, propagating, creating unity of awareness and action for all officers, party members and the masses in the unit to clearly see the important role and urgency of the mergers, reorganization of units and taking on some new tasks.

In order to improve the synergy and combat readiness of the provincial armed force, every year, party committees and commanders at all levels have strictly implemented the resolutions, directives and instructions of their superiors on training, combat readiness, regularization, discipline management. The units have focused on training with to the motto “basic, practical, solid”, paid attention to political and ideological education, learning and following thoughts, virtues and manner of President Ho Chi Minh, uphold the vigilance to prevent and combat the “peaceful evolution” plots and tricks of hostile forces, avoided being passive or surprised in any situation.

Along with that, they have organized rigorous training of military majors, combined theory with practice, built hypothetical situations which are close to local characteristics, actual combat and defense situation; strengthened the modes of duty, combat duty, and air defense duty, mastered the plans, improved the level and ability to be ready to fight. Notably, in 2022, the provincial armed force successfully participated in the defense zone drills in Chi Lang district, Cao Loc district and the fire prevention and fighting drill in Binh Gia district. In the coming time, the province’s armed force will promote their core role, focus on participating in advising the provincial Party Committee and government to lead, direct and prepare the conditions to successfully organize the provincial defense zone drill in 2023 with safety.