Friday,  09/20/2024

The Democracy Regulation at commune level: Good implementation, high consensus

Over the past time, along with strengthening the implementation of the democratic regulation (DR) at the workplace and in the activities of State administrative agencies and public non-business units, the implementation of DR at commune level has also been promoted seriously and effectively, contributing to creating a high consensus among the people.

Implementing the guiding documents and instructions of the superior, every year, the steering committee for implementing the DR in 200 communes, wards and towns in the province all develop plans and implement tasks in the implementation of DR at commune level. The implementation of DR at commune level is shown through dialogue; the People’s Inspection Commission; publishing regulations, documents and administrative procedures at workplaces, places of public reception, etc.

Mr. Hoang Van Nghiem, Standing Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the Provincial Delegation of National Assembly speaks at the inspection of the implementation of DR at the grassroots in the Party Committee of Dong Buc commune, Loc Binh district

Mr. Hoang Van Tuan, Party Secretary, Head of Cho Hoang village, Thuong Cuong commune, Chi Lang district said: “Although there are more types of social welfare funds in 2022 than in 2021, people still agree to contribute and support. During the year, households have contributed over 31 million VND to the fund of gratitude, natural disaster prevention for people affected by storms and floods, etc. The above results are achieved because people are informed and they can discuss about policies and plans for socio-economic development of the commune.”

Not only people in Cho Hoang village are informed, now, in order to ensure the mastery of the people , the steering committee for implementing DR at the grassroots levels of communes and towns in the area all publish socio-economic development plans, collection rates of all kinds of funds, etc. at the headquarters of the People’s Committees of communes, wards, towns and cultural houses in villages and residential blocks. Thereby, people can find out information and monitor all activities. As a result, it creates consensus and the contribution of the People in the implementation of political tasks and socio-economic development goals in the localities.

Along with publishing information and plans, dialogue is seriously implemented. Every year, the Party Committees and administrations of communes and towns develop plans to hold dialogues between the heads of the Party committees, leaders of authorities and the people. In 2022, 200 communes and towns have organized 256 face-to-face dialogue conferences. At the conferences, there were over 14,000 participants with 2,799 opinions and recommendations. The heads of the Party committees and authorities at commune level have explained and clarified more than 70% of the opinion, have received, summarized them and sent them to the competent authorities for further consideration.

Mr. Trieu Duc Viet, Party Secretary and Head of Can village, Dong Tan commune, Huu Lung district said: “Participating in a face-to-face dialogue conference held in November 2022, I conveyed the opinions of the people in my village related to the implementation of mechanisms, policies on environmental sanitation, etc. Here, I received a satisfactory answer from the commune leaders and he also offered solutions to a number of topics within the people’s concern.”

Additionally, communes and towns always attach great importance to and promote the role of People’s Inspection Commission. In 2022, 200/200 People’s Inspection Commission of communes, wards and towns have been consolidated and maintained; they supervised 301 meetings related to policies on collection and spending of funds contributed by the People, commenting and supporting to build houses for poor households, answering to complaints and denunciations … The commissions promptly supervised and recommended competent authorities to handle violations, creating people’s trust in the implementation of guidelines and policies with the motto “People know, people discuss, people do, people check, people supervise, people benefit”.

Civil servant of the “one-stop ” section of Thien Thuat commune, Binh Gia district hands out the results of administrative procedures to the people

Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Head of the Provincial Party Committee for Mass Mobilization Giap Thi Bac, said: “In 2022, the steering committee for the implementation of the DR at all levels, especially at commune level, has been well advising their Party committees to lead, direct, inspect and urge the implementation of the DR. Thereby, the people’s consensus has been created in implementing the Party’s guidelines, policies and laws, and local political tasks.”

The creation of consensus among the people has contributed to the good implementation of political tasks and socio-economic development. For example, in 2022, people in the province have donated nearly 56,000 m2 of land, contributed over 115,000 working days… to build rural roads and public works. The whole province has achieved and exceeded 18/18 main groups of socio-economic targets… This is an important premise for the Party Committee, the government and the people to achieve the goals in the resolutions of the party congress at all levels for the 2020-2025 term.