Friday,  09/20/2024

Bringing spring to patients welcoming Tet at the hospital

When the spring comes, everyone looks forward to welcoming a Tet with their families. However, during the Lunar New Year, there are many inpatients who are struggling with diseases. They cannot enjoy New Year holiday with their families. Understanding their feelings, all levels, sectors, hospitals, organizations and individuals have been carried out many activities with the aim of bringing Tet to every patient.

In these days, the Provincial General Hospital is more crowded than usual. Along with medical staff, there are benefactors and charity organizations from many areas of the province bringing meaningful and practical gifts to poor patients and patients who are under treatment during the Lunar New Year 2023. Although they are of different ages, jobs and professions, they all have the same kind heart, the desire to soon bring Tet to the sick and help them relieve their homesickness. From the beginning of January 2023 until now, organizations and benefactors have supported patients under treatment during the Lunar New Year with over 50 million VND. Previously, during the Lunar New Year 2022, there were organizations, individuals and benefactors presenting 150 gifts to inpatients with a total value of nearly 110 million VND. This made all inpatients in the hospital receive gifts during Tet holiday.

The benefactor presents Tet gifts to inpatients during the Lunar New Year 2022 at the Provincial General Hospital

Doctor Hoang Manh Cuong, Deputy Director of Provincial General Hospital said: “Currently, there are many organizations, units, clubs and benefactors that have committed to support and present gifts to seriously ill patients at the hospital during this Lunar New Year. In addition, if there is any patient who has not received gifts from the volunteer groups, the hospital will send them gifts as an encouragement for them, helping them feel better and soon recover and unite with their families.

There are 4 provincial hospitals in the province (General Hospital; Rehabilitation Hospital, Traditional Medicine Hospital and Lang Son Lung Hospital). On average, each hospital has about 300-400 serious patients requiring inpatient treatment during Tet. Not only at the Provincial General Hospital, in recent years, when Tet comes, 100% of inpatients at hospitals have been visited, encouraged and received Tet gifts.

In order to have these gifts delivered to the patients, every year, along with the State budget, the attention of leaders of the Provincial Party Committee, People’s Council, People’s Committee, departments and branches, there is also support of organizations, voluntary groups and benefactors in the province. These units and individuals have actively accompanied hospitals in general and provincial hospitals in particular to visit, give gifts, and encourage patients for treatment during Tet.

Among them, Kind Heart Group, Lang Son city is one of the units that have had nearly 10 years of accompanying provincial hospitals to take care of the sick during Lunar New Year. Each year, the group always sends 30-50 gifts (worth from 700,000 to 1 million VND each) to patients. Ms. Tran Thi Bich Hoa, Leader of this group said: “When Lunar New Year comes, the group always calls for fund through social networks facebook, zalo. After receiving donations (money, necessities), we connected with a number of provincial hospitals to check for serious patients who had to be treated during Tet to visit and present gifts. During the Lunar New Year in 2023, we gave 16 Tet gifts to poor households in Quang Lac commune; free distribution of 455 meals at 3 provincial hospitals; attach 2 humanitarian addresses in Trung Cap village, Mai Pha commune, Lang Son city. In the days leading up to Tet, we have presented 30 gifts to seriously ill patients who have to be treated during Tet holiday and gratitude gifts from 3 provincial hospitals…

Words of encouragement and Tet gifts have been given to the sick, especially those who are seriously ill and in difficult circumstances being treated on Tet holiday. This is a great encouragement of all levels, branches, and benevolent organizations and individuals in the province to the patients, helping them fight against disease. This activity also demonstrates the responsibility of the whole society, together with the health sector, to well perform the work of protecting and taking care of the people’s health.