Friday,  09/20/2024

Handling administrative procedures: Creating satisfaction for people right from the grassroots

Commune-level government is the last level in the government system, regularly working with people, especially dealing with administrative procedures. Therefore, in the past time, commune-level authorities have determined and made efforts to improve the quality of administrative procedures, contribute to the satisfaction of individuals and organizations, gradually building a government serve the people.

Up to now, the whole province has 1,800 administrative procedures under the jurisdiction of all levels of government, of which, the commune level has 107 administrative procedures. On average, each year, the commune-level government in the province receives more than 500,000 administrative procedures, focusing on a number of areas such as justice – civil status, land, emulation and commendation… Therefore, over the past time, the People’s Committees of districts, city, 200 communes, wards and townships in the province have implemented many solutions to gradually improve the quality of administrative procedures, contributed to creating convenience for the people.

Officials of the “one-stop” section of the People’s Committee of Tan Van commune, Binh Gia district guided people to look up administrative procedures

Specifically, every year, the commune-level People’s Committee has developed and issued a plan to control and reform administrative procedures, implemented the one-stop, one-stop-shop mechanism, in which to step up the reception and settlement of administrative procedures according to the “4 on spot” mechanism. At the same time, the working room of the “one-stop shop” division at commune level is also interested in investing and upgrading with an area of 40 m2 or more; the team of cadres and civil servants in charge of receiving and handling administrative procedures at the “one-stop shop” division has been strengthened; developed a code of conduct for officials when interacting and working with the People.

Hoang Van Thu commune is one of the units has effectively implemented administrative procedures in Binh Gia district. Particularly from 2021 up to now, the Commune People’s Committee has received and processed 4,464 administrative procedures on time, reached 100%. In particular, Hoang Van Thu commune is ranked 1st in 19 communes and towns of Binh Gia district on the index of administrative reform (including administrative procedures) in 2022, up 7 places compared to 2021. Mr. Nong Ngoc Kinh, Chairman of the Commune People’s Committee said: Every year, the Commune People’s Committee issues a plan to implement administrative procedures control and reform activities, implement the one-stop, one-stop-shop mechanism in the locality, which directs specialized divisions to implement plans in each specific field. In addition, we also publicly list all administrative procedures at the head office of the “one-stop shop” division; promote the settlement of administrative procedures according to the “4 spot” mechanism, and quickly settle within a day for simple documents.

One of the important solutions that commune-level authorities have focused on implementing in recent years is to promote online public services in the implementation of administrative procedures. Currently, the commune-level People’s Committee has received, processed and returned the results of administrative procedures dossiers through online public services with 56 administrative procedures at level 3 and level 4. Accordingly, the commune-level People’s Committee has directed professional civil servants to effectively receive and handle administrative procedures and guide people to create accounts and submit documents in the electronic environment to ensure the correct process. Particularly from 2021 up to now, the commune-level government of the province has received 1,160,766 applications, of which 11.98% (139,259 applications) are online and 100% of the dossiers are resolved on time.

People carried out administrative procedures at the “one-stop” section of the People’s Committee of Thuy Hung commune, Cao Loc district

In addition, the commune-level People’s Committee also regularly reviews and evaluates administrative procedures and submits them to the competent authorities for a decision to reduce the settlement time for procedures with a settlement time of 3 days or more. For example, in 2022, the whole province proposed to reduce the time limit for solving administrative procedures for 78 administrative procedures, of which there are 15 administrative procedures at the commune level. As a result, the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee approved the list of implementation to reduce the time limit for handling administrative procedures under the management of 13 sectors with a total of 82 administrative procedures (exceed the plan of 4 administrative procedures), of which the commune level has 14 administrative procedures.

Thanks to the above solutions, the handling of administrative procedures at the commune level has made many positive changes, which are evaluated and satisfied by most individuals and organizations. Mrs. Nong Thuy Hang, Na Dau area, Huu Lung town, Huu Lung district said: Now I go to do paperwork very smoothly, not as hard as before. The town’s “one-stop shop” division always has staff to directly receive, solve and look up results; equipped with modern machinery, all operations are done by machine so it is very quick. I didn’t have to wait long, I was very satisfied.

With the efforts in administrative reform of the commune government, it has gradually changed the way of thinking and perception of people when going to public agencies to implement administrative procedures; most organizations and individuals receive, handle and return administrative procedures results by their staff with a caring, enthusiastic, and responsible service attitude.

From 2021 alone until now, commune-level authorities in the whole province have received 1,160,766 administrative procedures dossiers; resolved 1,160,293 dossiers, in which, 1,160,237 applications were processed before and on time, reached 99.99%, and 56 applications were late, accounted for 0.004%; currently processing 473 dossiers (of which, within the deadline of 470 dossiers, accounting for 99.36%, overdue 3 dossiers accounting for 0.63%)