Friday,  09/20/2024

Digital transformation: Positive signal in vocational and continuing education centers

In recent years, vocational and continuing education institutions in the province have promoted digital transformation, using software, and applying information technology (IT) into management and training, thereby achieving positive signals about the quality of education.

Students of the Center for Vocational and Continuing Education in Cao Loc district participate in an online contest to learn about Ho Chi Minh’s ideology, morality and style

Ms. Phan My Hanh, Deputy Director of the Department of Education and Training (DOET) said: “At the requirement of digital transformation in education and training, in 2022, the Department popularized all documents of the Ministry of Education and Training and the province on IT application and digital transformation in the sector. Regarding vocational education and training, the Department has coordinated with the Department of Labor, Invalids and Social Affairs to guide centers to change the management of Centers for Vocational and Continuing Education and the teaching of teachers. Besides, the traditional way to learn and practice vocational skills of students at institutions of Vocational and Continuing Education will be changed into the digital environment.”

Accordingly, there are 9 Centers for Vocational and Continuing Education; 2 Centers for Continuing Education, including Center for Continuing Education, Informatics, Foreign Languages and Center for Continuing Education No. 2, with a total of more than 5,500 students. To meet the requirements of digital transformation, every year the centers review their equipment and facilities, report and propose for timely investment and supplementation.

Up to now, 100% of centers have computer rooms; more than 30% of the rooms and classrooms in the centers are equipped with projectors and televisions for online teaching and teaching specific subjects. In addition, the units also actively called for material support and donation from organizations and individuals as well as other kind of support with the aim of digital transformation in education.

Although the IT infrastructure platform is still limited, the centers have actively applied intelligent training management tools such as digitizing management information, managing teaching schedules, timetables, study records, graduation diplomas of students.

For example, at the Provincial Center for Continuing Education, Informatics, and Foreign Languages, there are 13 classes with over 400 students studying in combination with vocational training. Ms. Duong Thi Thu Lan, Deputy Director of the center said: “Currently, the center has 1 computer room with 32 computers, meeting the requirements of teaching IT; 100% of our teachers can perform electronic lectures, use vivid illustrations and videos to draw the attention of students in learning and help them better take in lessons. At the same time, data about students such as student records, attendance books, subject assessment books, etc. are digitized by the center.”

IT application time at the Provincial Center for Continuing Education, Informatics and Foreign Languages

It is known that during digital transformation, 100% of units connect and exchange data from school management software with the education industry database; using digital study record books and school records; applying IT in connecting and exchanging information between parents and schools; applying information exchange solutions such as OTT messages, emails, mobile applications and educational websites. Thereby, these all help the management to be transparent, objective, fast and accurate.

Along with that, digital transformation has helped to effectively implement the management and reception of short-term trainees’ application for vocational training. According to the report of education sector, in the last academic year 2021-2022, centers have opened 26 short-term vocational training classes of less than 6 months for 1,292 students (up 2 times compared to the 2020-2021 school year).

Chu Thi Hoai, class 11A3 of Center for Vocational and Continuing Education in Cao Loc district said: “Since coming to the center, I have registered to study and practice vocational training, I have chosen to learn cooking. While learning, in addition to the knowledge in the book, teachers also often use IT, electronic lectures and projectors to illustrate images and videos, especially in vocational lessons, which show the way one dish is made in reality. This modern way of teaching helps me to better understand the lessons.”

From the implementation and the above results, it shows that the initial digital transformation has had a positive impact on the education work in the centers. In the coming time, the Centers for Vocational and Continuing Education in the province will continue to spend their resources, to call for investment on infrastructure and equipment for IT. Thereby it contributes to well implementing vocational and continuing education, meeting the requirements of digital transformation in the local economy and international integration.