Friday,  09/20/2024

Continue to identify compensation and site clearance as a key task

On the morning of February 27, the Provincial People’s Committee held a conference to evaluate the compensation and site clearance work of projects in the province in 2022 and implement tasks and solutions in 2023.

Leader of Lang Son City People’s Committee mentioned some difficulties, obstacles and experiences in implementing site clearance projects in the city.

Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, Standing Deputy Head of the Steering Committee for compensation and site clearance for key projects in the province attended and directed the conference.

Attending the conference were Mrs. Doan Thi Hau, Chairwoman of the Provincial People’s Council; members of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee; leaders of the Provincial People’s Committee; leaders of departments, agencies and sectors of the province and leaders of People’s Committees of 11 districts and city.

In 2022, in order to promptly lead and direct the handling of shortcomings and problems in site clearance of projects in the province, The Provincial People’s Committee has advised the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee to set up a Steering Committee to carry out the compensation and clearance work of key projects in the province, led by the Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee as Head of the Steering Committee (Provincial steering committee).

The Steering Committee has issued working regulations, assigned tasks to members to monitor, urge and direct the site clearance work according to fields, locations and specific projects.

Along with that, in order to solve arising problems, monthly the Provincial People’s Committee organizes thematic meetings to consider and remove problems in the implementation process, speeding up the work of compensation, support and resettlement, especially the key projects of the province.

Accordingly, in 2022, in the whole province, there are 254 projects that need to carry out site clearance (144 projects transitioned from 2021, 110 new projects are implemented), an increase of 19 projects compared to 2021, the land to be acquired is 2,919.47ha, with 22,853 affected cases. With the timely intervention and flexible solutions, by the end of 2022, 132/254 projects have completed the measurement and counting, of which 95/254 projects have completed site clearance, handed over to the investor to implement the project.

At the conference, the delegates discussed, evaluated and clarified the results achieved in compensation and site clearance work in the province in 2022; point out limitations, weaknesses and difficulties; point out lessons learned and propose solutions to continue implementing the compensation and site clearance work in the coming time to achieve the highest efficiency.

Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee spoke at the conference

Speaking at the conference, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee highly appreciated the efforts of all levels and sectors in compensation and site clearance of projects.

However, the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee also pointed out: The progress of site clearance of projects, especially key projects, is generally slow, failing to meet the requirements of the province’s progress and plans and the wishes of investors. The reason is that the work of compensation and site clearance in 2022 still has some difficulties and limitations such as the leadership and direction in some places are still limited, not really active, have not fully promoted their roles and responsibilities in site clearance work; propaganda and advocacy work in some areas is still monotonous; coordination between a number of related agencies and units is not close and synchronous; …

Regarding the tasks in 2023, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee suggested that all levels, sectors and investors need to continue to define compensation and site clearance as one of the key tasks; the members of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee regularly monitor and pay attention to direct the site clearance work for the projects in their respective areas; continue to further improve the roles and responsibilities of the heads of the Party Committees, authorities, the Fatherland Front, mass organizations and functional sectors in the performance of tasks; continue to research and innovate methods of propaganda and advocacy; continue to focus on settling complaints and denunciations and handling violations in compensation for site clearance right from the grassroots level; improve the effectiveness of dialogue with the people.

At the same time, the People’s Committees of districts and city strengthen the management of land; continue to review and strengthen the contingent of officials working on site clearance compensation. Relevant departments and sectors actively coordinate, review and urge the immediate implementation of projects that have been handed over; review, adjust, update and supplement master plans, remove plans that are overdue and unfeasible, synchronize planning types, avoid overlapping;…

Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee awarded certificates of merit to households with outstanding achievements in the emulation movement “Speeding up the implementation of site clearance of key projects in the province” in 2022

Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee awarded the Certificate of Merit to the collectives for their outstanding achievements in the emulation movement “Speeding up the implementation of site clearance of key projects in the province” in 2022

During the  conference, the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee awarded certificates of merit to 9 collectives, 13 individuals and 9 households with outstanding achievements in the emulation movement “Speeding up the implementation of site clearance of key projects in the province” in 2022.