Friday,  09/20/2024

Shared planning database information system: Convenience for people and businesses

From the end of 2022, implementing the program of digital transformation of the construction sector, the Department of Construction has put into operation the first phase of the shared planning database information system of Lang Son province on the electronic information system of Lang Son province and on smartphone application. The put into operation of the system has met the demand for learning and updating information on construction and urban development planning, creating favorable conditions for people and businesses to look up and seek investment opportunities.

The shared planning database information system is updated on two platforms: website and application on smart mobile devices. . From here, users can go to the application store, type the keyword “QH Lang Son” or “Cong San So Xu Lang” to download and install the application to be able to look up construction planning information on the computer or mobile device.

Officials of the Department of Construction updatedinformation on the shared planning database of the province

Publicly available information on construction planning includes: drawings of land use planning (main criteria include: land use function, area, construction density, maximum number of floors of the work); spatial planning, architecture, landscape; planning the technical infrastructure system of 11 districts and city; explanation and number of approval decisions issued by competent authorities.

Mr. Nguyen Duy Dong, Deputy Director of the Department of Construction said: The benefit of the system is that people and businesses can immediately access planning information in all districts and city by mobile devices or computers.  Businesses and investors can exploit construction planning data, thereby immediately proposing a list of investment projects in accordance with the provincial planning. Along with that, when accessing the system, people can know the exact status of their land and houses currently in use, whether they are in the planning or not. Currently, the shared planning database system in Lang Son province has been transferred by the Department of Construction to the Department of Information and Communications for management and operation.

For state management, the system helps departments, sectors and People’s Committees of districts and city save time searching for documents to serve the appraisal of assigned planning tasks. At the same time, state agencies can compare planning maps with each other on the same reference system such as general planning, zoning planning, detailed planning.

Up to now, the Department of Construction has digitized 14 general planning projects of cities and towns; 3 general planning projects of functional areas; 4 subdivision planning projects; 6 detailed planning projects of wards and commune centers of Lang Son city; 2 detailed planning projects of district town centers; 8 detailed planning projects for border gates and 13 other detailed planning projects to serve the information search needs of people and businesses.

Mr. Nguyen Duc Thoan, Director of Lang Son Construction Consulting Joint Stock Company said: Previously, when businesses wanted to find out information about the construction planning of the province, they often had to go to the Department of Construction, or the People’s Committees of districts and city for information. Currently, the shared planning database system of Lang Son province has been put into operation, which has overcome the above shortcomings and helped businesses save time in searching and accessing data on construction planning across the province.

Mr. Nguyen Trong Hung, Deputy Director in charge of the Department of Information and Communications said: Currently, the shared planning database of Lang Son province has been managed and operated by the department quite effectively and is integrated on the application ” Xu Lang Digital Citizenship”. Currently, there are 217 thousand people in the province who have downloaded the app “Xu Lang Digital Citizenship”, equivalent to 217 thousand people who can access the system through this application. This is an important tool that both serves the state management and is convenient for people and businesses. The Department is continuing to implement the second phase of the system, whereby the entire rural area planning database system will continue to be integrated on the digital platform and is expected to be completed and put into operation at end of 2023. Since then, it will contribute to promoting administrative reform, improving the effectiveness and efficiency of the government system, serving the people and businesses.