Friday,  09/20/2024

Synchronous solution to “clear” import and export goods

Recently, the number of trucks carrying import and export goods through border gates in the province has increased, leading to congestion. Up to now, the above situation has basically been resolved. To get that result, the functional forces at the border gate and related agencies have synchronously implemented solutions to increase customs clearance capacity.

Mr. Tran Van Nghia, Deputy Director of Huu Nghi International Border Gate Customs Sub-department said: From March 22 to 28, the number of trucks carrying import and export goods to Huu Nghi International Border Gate was very large, on average, each day there are about 380 trucks carrying export goods and more than 400 trucks carrying goods imported from China into Vietnam, a double increase compared to the first two weeks of March 2023. Therefore, the sub-department directs professional teams to review and prioritize procedures for businesses to export fresh fruit products. At the same time,the sub-department reduced the time to inspect the actual goods, thereby helped to shorten the time for customs clearance.

Businesses declared customs procedures at Huu Nghi international border gate

Similarly, at Tan Thanh Border Gate, in the last 2 weeks of March 2023, the number of trucks carrying goods for export to the border gate every day was from 300 to 330 vehicles, along with nearly 200 vehicles imported from China through the border gate. Mr. Be Thai Hung, Deputy Director of Tan Thanh Border Gate Customs Sub-department said: To promote customs clearance, leaders of the sub-department have directed professional teams to create a “green” channel for fresh fruit and agricultural products for export, in which, priority is given to procedures under the motto “3-1” – which is clearing customs for 3 trucks of fruit and agricultural products, then clearing customs for one truck of goods. Currently, the clearance time for a truck through Tan Thanh Border Gate is less than 2 minutes. Therefore, the number of vehicles cleared during the day always reaches from 430 to 450 vehicles per day, through which up to this point, there is no longer a congestion of cargo trucks at the border gate.

In addition to the solution like the above two customs sub-departments have done, all sub-departments at 4 road border gates of the province that are carrying out customs clearance have established a specialized customs team to support businesses. This group is responsible for closely monitoring the activities of import-export businesses through the border gate, thereby supporting businesses to carry out customs clearance procedures.

It is known that along with the customs force, the border guard forces at the border gates have also strengthened their grasp of border gate information, proactively planned the channeling plan, assigned a 24-hour shift to regulate vehicles when the number of vehicles arriving at the border gate increases dramatically. At the same time, the forces implemented measures to ensure security and order in the border area.

Mr. Nguyen Duc Hoang, a driver carrying fresh fruits from Binh Dinh to Tan Thanh Border Gate said: As soon as I drove up to the border gate area, I was instructed by the competent force to divide the traffic into the parking lot in the correct order,  the entrance and exit are open and the truck was also cleared within the same day, which helped to reduce costs for me and the owner a lot.

Along with the direct solution from the force at the border gate, over the past time, the Management Board of Dong Dang – Lang Son border gate economic zone has also implemented other solutions to “clear” import-export goods.

Trucks carrying import and export goods through Huu Nghi international border gate

Mr. Hoang Khanh Duy, Deputy Head of the Management Board of Dong Dang – Lang Son Border Gate Economic Zone said: Following the direction of the Provincial People’s Committee, in order to unify the import and export activities of goods between the two sides, from February 2023 to present, the management board and related sectors have held 4 talks, exchanged 9 working letters with relevant contents. Accordingly, the time for customs clearance of goods at 4 road border gates of the province that is performing customs clearance has increased by 1 hour; The functional forces of the two sides coordinate to work overtime during the time when the number of vehicles is high to deal with the entire inventory of vehicles during the day.

Although the number of trucks carrying import and export goods, especially those transporting goods for export to the border gates of the province, increased dramatically, but with the initiative of the forces and related sectors, the situation of traffic congestion at the border gate area was quickly resolved, thereby clearing import and export goods quickly and conveniently.

According to the forecast of the Department of Industry and Trade, in the coming time, especially in May and June 2023, there will be many kinds of agricultural products and fresh fruits of localities in the country in the harvest season, the export output is even larger than the last time, therefore, the sectors and functional forces need to calculate and have a longer-term solution. Thereby, they can create a positive change in the import and export activities of goods through the area in the coming time.