Friday,  09/20/2024

Lang Son aims to become major regional, national tourist site by 2025

(LSO) – The People’s Committee of the northern mountainous province of Lang Son met on October 18 to look into a draft project on provincial tourism development by 2030 with a vision towards 2045.

At the meeting, the consultancy unit briefed delegates on the draft project, which looks into the situation of local tourism, resources for the sector’s development and specific targets for each period, along with major tasks and solutions to achieve the targets.

Duong Xuan Huyen, Vice Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee, speaks at the meeting

The project targets efficient tourism management and development, aiming to turn Lang Son into one of the major tourist sites in the northern mountainous region and the country by 2025.

The province aims to welcome 750,000 international visitors and 3.25 million domestic tourists in 2025. By 2045, the numbers are expected to reach 2.7 million and 8.5 million, respectively, with total revenue from the tourism sector to hit some 35 trillion VND.

Delegates analysed difficulties hindering local tourism development, and proposed mechanisms, policies and concrete solutions to develop tourism in tandem with economic development.

A representative of the provincial Military Command speaks at the meeting

In his closing remarks, Vice Chairman of the provincial People’s Committee Duong Xuan Huyen asked the provincial Department of Culture, Sports and Tourism and the consultancy unit to study opinions presented at the meeting to perfect the project, with attention paid to its feasibility.

He underlined the need to evaluate the province’s tourism situation and strength, set forth specific tasks for the sector through different periods, and supplement solutions regarding communication activities, human resources management and development, mechanisms, policies, connectivity, cooperation and integration.

The project must be completed before October 25, the official noted.