Friday,  09/20/2024

The official of culture in the commune takes care of people with disabilities

That is Ms. Vi Thanh Huyen – official majoring in culture of Dong Tan commune, Huu Lung district. She not only stays enthusiastic, responsible and always meets the demand for the duty of an official of culture, but also takes good care of people with disabilities, helping them overcome their inferiority to live a better life.

Serving at Dong Tan Commune People’s Committee since 2004, during these years, Ms. Vi Thanh Huyen has always done a good job of advising the Party and the government of the committee to ensure the full, timely and correct implementation of welfares and policies of the Party and State to the beneficiaries of the policy, families in difficult circumstances and poor households. In particular, Ms. Huyen always pays special attention to 117 cases of severe and especially severe disabilities who are currently receiving monthly allowances as prescribed. She always closely follows them as well as captures their thoughts and aspirations so that she can advise local leaders on appropriate forms of support and assistance.

Ms. Vi Thanh Huyen, official of culture of Dong Tan commune, always cares for people with disabilities

Ms. Huyen shared: “Along with performing well the assigned tasks, I always want to bring the best I can to the weak and the disabled so that they can have a better life and integrate into the community”.

With that in mind, over the years, Ms. Huyen has actively advised the Party Committee and authority of the commune to mobilize resources from benefactors, agencies and units in the area to support people with disabilities by many forms. Thereby, many organizations, from benefactors, and individuals have provided financial support, for example, from 2020 until benefactor Nhu Dung in the commune has provided 4 sisters with intellectual disabilities in Kim Choi village with basic necessities worth 500,000 VND/month.

Ms. Huyen also advised the Commune People’s Committee to coordinate with Ngoc Vinh Pho restaurant to set up a charity fund box in front of it. From this source, in 2022, a kitchen and an ancillary work with the cost of 10 million VND for a disabled household in Kim Choi village have been built and in early 2023 a pair of breeding pigs and pig feed of 5 million VND have been given to the family of Mr. Hoang Quang Nghiem, who is in difficult and disabled in Bai Vang village. Mr. Hoang Quang Nghiem said: “My family has a very difficult situation. Every year, the Party Committee, authority of the commune and Ms. Huyen, regularly visit and provide my family with practical support. Recently, my family was supported with breeding pigs and pig feed. Since then, my family can gain income, contributing to stabilize our lives.”

In addition to calling for support from benefactors, there are quite a few businesses and military units stationed in Dong Tan commune, therefore, every year, Ms. Huyen actively advises the commune authority to call for support from these agencies and units on holidays and Tet. Particularly during the 2023 Lunar New Year, the commune has received support from these units and presented 78 gifts worth over 20.7 million VND to people with disabilities…

Ms. Vu Hoang Thuy, Secretary of the Party Committee, Chairwoman of the People’s Committee of Dong Tan Commune said: “Over the years, civil servant Vi Thanh Huyen majoring in society and culture has always been enthusiastic about her work, she pays close attention to social welfare beneficiaries, disadvantaged and disable people in the locality. In particular, she has done a good job advising the commune authority in the implementation of social welfare, contributing to sharing and encouraging people with disabilities, poor households, and vulnerable people… to overcome difficulties. With those efforts, every year, Ms. Huyen is always evaluated as having successfully completed the task.”

Vi Thanh Huyen’s heart and work have been recognized by all levels and sectors over the years. Recently, Ms. Huyen was awarded a certificate of merit by the Chairman of the District People’s Committee for her outstanding achievements in supporting the Association for the Protection of People with Disabilities and Orphans in Huu Lung District from 2017 to 2022 (now the Association for the Protection of People with Disabilities and Children’s Rights in Huu Lung District).