Friday,  09/20/2024

Two draft laws, NA’s draft supervisory plan for 2024 put on table

Two draft laws and the National Assembly (NA)’s draft supervisory programme for 2024 are high on the agenda of the 15th parliament’s ongoing fifth session on May 27.
Two draft laws, NA’s draft supervisory plan for 2024 put on table hinh anh 1A plenum of the ongoing fifth session of the 15th National Assembly (Photo: VNA)

In the morning, on behalf of the Prime Minister, Minister of Public Security To Lam submitted a draft law on amendments and supplements to some articles of the Law on the People’s Public Security Force.

The draft law aims to institutionalise the Party’s guidelines and policies, remove bottlenecks, and guarantee the legal system’s consistency to meet the requirements for safeguarding national security and social order and safety.

Minister To Lam also proposed a draft law amending and supplementing some articles of the Law on Exit and Entry of Vietnamese Citizens and the Law on Foreigners’ Entry into, Exit from, Transit through and Residence in Vietnam.

This bill is intended to institutionalise the Party’s guidelines and policies and meet the NA’s requirements for and the Government’s process on administrative reform and digital transformation.

Verification reports on the two drafts were delivered by Chairman of the NA Committee for National Defence and Security Le Tan Toi.

Legislators scrutinised both draft laws at group discussions in the afternoon.

Also at the plenary sitting in the morning, they looked into the NA’s draft supervisory programme for 2024.

NA Vice Chairman Tran Quang Phuong said 2024 will be an important year for the success of the implementation of the 13th National Party Congress’s resolution and the action plan of the NA’s Party delegation to carry out this resolution. The parliament will also consider and revise the law on supervisory activities of the NA and the People’s Councils next year.

Therefore, a supervisory programme with more reformed and improved content for 2024 will provide an important basis for revising legal regulations on supervisory activities and perfecting the legal system as a whole, as in line with the spirit that supervision is a focus of the NA’s activities, he added./.
