Friday,  09/20/2024

Transport system upgrade crucial for development of northern mountainous localities

Upgrading transport infrastructure is defined the key for unlocking the great potential of northern mountainous localities, especially in tourism and culture, held experts.
Transport system upgrade crucial for development of northern mountainous localities hinh anh 1Transport system upgrade crucial for development of northern mountainous localities (Photo: laodong.vn)

Northern mountainous localities like Cao Bang and Bac Kan have been a popular destination for visitors. Each year, these provinces draw hundreds of thousands of visitors. However, tourists hesitate to return to the destinations due to the dangerous journey on mountainous roads to reach them.

Recognising the situation, leaders of the two localities have proposed many projects to build roads and modern expressways.

In Cao Bang, Dong Dang-Tra Linh expressway is a major transport project that the province has proposed, along with three provincial roads.

Transport system upgrade crucial for development of northern mountainous localities hinh anh 2Northern mountainous localities like Cao Bang and Bac Kan have been a popular destination for visitors. (Photo: dantri.vn)

Recently, the Ministry of Transport has approved the investment policy for a project to upgrade the National Highway No.4A’s section from Tra Linh township, Trung Khanh district to Xuan Hoa township of Ha Quang district, and a project to upgrade National Highway No.34’s section from Ma Phuc pass to Tra Linh international border gate. The total investment for the projects is more than 2.9 trillion VND (123.56 million USD).

Meanwhile, Bac Kan has made transport infrastructure one of the four strategic breakthroughs in its development master plan to 2030. Under the plan, the province will build the Hanoi-Thai Nguyen-Bac Kan expressway with 4-6 lanes by 2030.

By 2050, the province aims to complete the construction of an expressway from Bac Kan city to Cao Bang city with four lanes in line with the planning to 2050 approved by the Prime Minister, along with a number of other projects.

Experts said that after the projects are completed, the roads will help strengthen connectivity of the localities and boost the localities’ socio-economic development as well as security and defence.

Le Van Dinh, Deputy Director of the Transport Department of Cao Bang said that northern mountainous localities hope that the Ministry of Transport and the Road Department consider, approve and support the implementation of projects that they have proposed, thus addressing transport bottlenecks for them./.
