Friday,  09/20/2024

More new and breakthrough solutions to improve the quality of public administrative services

On the morning of May 26, the Provincial People’s Committee held a 3-level (province, district, commune) online conference to analyze the results of the Provincial Governance and Public Administration Performance Index (PAPI); Satisfaction Index of Public Administrative Services (SIPAS) and Public Administration Reform Index (PAR INDEX) of Lang Son province in 2022. Deputy Secretary Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, Head of the Steering Committee for Administrative Reform of the province Ho Tien Thieu chaired the conference.

Delegates attending the conference at the provincial level

Attending the conference at the Provincial People’s Committee were Mr. Duong Xuan Huyen, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee; Standing Deputy Head of the Steering Committee for Provincial Administrative Reform (PAR) of the province; the leaders of the Provincial Fatherland Front Committee and relevant departments and sectors.

According to a report by the Department of Home Affairs, the PAPI of Lang Son province reached 43.85 points, ranking 13/61 provinces and cities (without Bac Ninh and Bac Giang due to data interference).

Regarding SIPAS and PAR INDEX, in 2022, most of the components in the two indexes decreased in both scores and rankings compared to 2021.

Specifically, in 2022, the Ministry of Home Affairs has changed the content, criteria and method of determining SIPAS, the measurement of people’s satisfaction was carried out in 2 contents and 9 groups of criteria. In Lang Son province, the Ministry of Home Affairs conducted a survey with a total of 486 votes in villages in 3 districts and cities (Van Lang, Bac Son, Lang Son city), the result reached 75.44%, ranked 59/63 provinces and cities, down 11.63% and down 28 ranks compared to 2021.

The PAR INDEX in 2022 was measured in 8 fields with 37 criteria, 88 component criteria. As a result, the province reached 81.45%, ranking 54/63 provinces, down 31 ranks compared to 2021. This is the lowest result of the province since the Ministry of Home Affairs started the PAR INDEX up to now. In which, 2 component indexes with the strongest decrease were “building and developing e-government and digital government” reaching 68.05%, down 21.07% and down 21 places compared to 2021; “the impact of PAR on people, organizations and socio-economic development” reaching 66.35%, down 17.99% and down 52 levels compared to 2021.

At the conference, the delegates discussed to clarify the causes of low scores and proposed solutions to improve the quality and rankings of the above three indexes. In which, they focused on issues such as building digital government; public finance reform; administrative procedure reform , implementation of “one-stop” and “interlinked one-stop” mechanism and the performance of the tasks assigned by the Government and the Prime Minister; solutions and initiatives to improve the efficiency of PAR…

Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, Head of the Provincial Steering Committee for PAR concludes conference

Concluding the conference, the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee requested heads of agencies and units from province to commune to strengthen the leadership, direction, and to improve the role of the leader, to consider PAR a regular and continuous key task and to seek breakthrough and appropriate solutions to improve the quality of public administrative service provision for people and organizations. Along with that, on the basis of the evaluation results of the 3 indicators, agencies and units should proactively analyze, evaluate, clearly identify the achieved and unachieved contents and clearly state the responsibilities of each individual, unit and solutions.

He emphasized that the departments, boards and sectors in charge of administrative reform shall assume the prime responsibility for monitoring, guiding, inspecting and urging agencies and units to implement and advise the Provincial People’s Committee in synchronous implementation of the tasks and solutions to improve the PAR index. They were asked to promote information and communication to people and organizations and facilitate them to access and participate in policy formulation and implementation; to demand civil servants and public employees to strictly comply with the regulations on working culture in the process of receiving applications and returning results of administrative procedures to individuals and organizations…

He also suggested the Provincial Vietnam Fatherland Front Committee and socio-political organizations from the province to the grassroots level to widely provide information about the results of the PAR, new policies of the province, to explain the purpose and meaning of questionnaires and surveys for more practical and objective evaluation results… Hence, the people can understand and objectively evaluate the PAR of the province.