Friday,  09/20/2024

Prevention and control of plastic waste: Increasing propaganda and spreading good practices

In order for the movement “Prevention and control of plastic waste” to come into reality, over the past time, all levels and functional sectors of the province have actively propagated and spread good practices and innovative models that bring about effective results.

In order to proactively prevent and overcome pollution, create a change in environmental protection, The Provincial People’s Committee issued Plan No. 100 on May 5, 2021 on the implementation of the Project “Strengthening propaganda on plastic waste prevention and control in the period of 2021 – 2025” in the province.

Accordingly, the departments, sectors, People’s Committees of districts and city have actively propagated the harmful effects of plastic waste on the economy – society, environment and human health; implemented waste communication programs in association with the organization of World Environment Day, the campaign to make the world cleaner…

Officers and youth union members of Binh Gia district distribute environmentally friendly plastic bags to people

Specifically, from 2021 up to now, on average, each year, the Sub-Department of Environmental Protection, the Department of Natural Resources and Environment coordinated to organize from 12 to 15 training courses integrating contents on environmental protection with over 2,000 participants; launch the movement to prevent and control plastic waste in districts and city; actively propagate and integrate environmental protection content in new rural construction communes; coordinate in organizing garbage collection in tourist areas such as Dong Lam, Huu Lung district; Mau Son, Loc Binh district…

Mrs. Hoang Thi Hoa, block of Tran Hung Dao street, Binh Gia town, Binh Gia district said: In the past, when I went to the market, I often used plastic bags to store things. Through propaganda, training, and realizing the harmful effects of plastic waste, I now often use food baskets when I go to the market. This, in turn, contributes to limiting plastic waste released into the environment.

Along with the propaganda work, the sub-department also cooperated with other departments, sectors and mass organizations to actively introduce and spread creative ways and replicate good models of plastic waste prevention and control in the community. The whole province currently maintains over 20 models of environmental protection, including models of prevention and control of plastic waste such as women using baskets to the market clubs; green house to prevent and control plastic waste; one more flower pot, one less trash bag… Most of these models are propagated by mass organizations at all levels and spread among members and the people.

Ms. Ha Thi Lien, Chairman of the Women’s Union of Cao Loc district, said: The establishment of the Club “Women carrying baskets to the market” is considered a very effective form of practical propaganda. Instead of using all plastic bags to store food, members used baskets to go to the market, contributing to limiting plastic bags released into the environment. From the initial spread, we have propagated the model to all women members in the area. At the same time, introduce the model to members of other cells in the province to learn and apply. Up to now, there have been 57 cells, groups and clubs of women in districts and city in the province participating in responding to shopping lanes and reducing plastic waste. Some district associations also established clubs “Women carrying baskets to the market” such as Chi Lang, Trang Dinh…

In addition, from the beginning of 2023, the Environmental Protection Sub-department advised the Department of Natural Resources and Environment to issue a plan to implement the project on propaganda and pilot implementation of the model of collection and classification of domestic solid waste at source in Lang Son city. Accordingly, the authorities are currently coordinating to research and develop a manual to pilot the model, focused on families in Vinh Trai ward. From the pilot implementation, specialized agencies will evaluate the results and propose solutions to replicate the model in the province.

With the participation of sectors, mass organizations and the cooperation and contribution of the people, environmental protection work in the province has achieved positive results. Up to now, the rate of garbage collection in the whole province has reached 92.7%, the rate of waste treatment has reached 98.6% of the total collection; solid waste collected reached 97.04%.

Mr. Tran Quang Trung, Director of the Environmental Protection Sub-Department, Department of Natural Resources and Environment, said: Currently, the movement to prevent and control plastic waste has spread strongly, gradually deepening into people’s daily thoughts and habits. The effectiveness of the movement has contributed to reducing environmental pollution, protecting human health and creating a green – clean – beautiful environment. In the coming time, the sub-department will continue to coordinate with other units to strengthen propaganda to the people; mobilize organizations and individuals to limit the use of single-use plastic products; praise and reward advanced examples, replicate good models, good practices and valuable initiatives in the prevention and control of plastic waste in the locality.

With the achieved results, together with the participation of all levels, sectors and communities, believes that in the coming time, the movement of plastic waste prevention and control in the province will continue to deepen, receive the consensus and support of all classes of people, and make practical contributions to environmental protection.

This year’s World Environment Day (June 5) has the theme “Solutions to plastic pollution”, in which, focusing on implementing the campaign “preventing plastic pollution”. Accordingly, the provincial functional sector has issued a plan to organize various forms of propaganda; carry out the army to collect and treat garbage at polluted areas… At the same time, the sector held a launching ceremony to respond to World Environment Day in Bac Son district.