Friday,  09/20/2024

Exhibition highlights patriotic emulation movements through periods

 An exhibition spotlighting patriotic emulation movements through different periods opened at the Vietnam National Museum of History in Hanoi on June 9.
Exhibition highlights patriotic emulation movements through periods hinh anh 1Visitors at the exhibition (Photo: VNA)

On display are 200 documents and artifacts featuring President Ho Chi Minh and patriotic emulation movements and a number of outstanding role models in the movements.

They include a pistol that President Ho Chi Minh presented to Hero of the Armed Forces Nguyen Thi Chien at the National Congress of role models and outstanding officials in May 1952; a paper fan that President Ho Chi Minh gave to Hoang Dao Thuy, General Secretary of the Central Patriotic Emulation Committee in 1948; President Ho Chi Minh’s written call for patriotic emulation on June 11, 1948; a number of medical equipment that Professor, Doctor, Hero of Labour Ton That Tung used to provide medical examination and treatment to patients; and an electro-acupuncture machine and acupuncture needles used by Professor, Hero of Labour Nguyen Tai Thu to anaesthetise patients for operations during 1996 – 2000.

Addressing the opening ceremony, Vietnam National Museum of History Director Nguyen Van Doan said that since President Ho Chi Minh called for patriotic emulation to encourage people’s engagement in eliminating hunger, illiteracy and invaders, patriotic emulation movements have developed strongly among people from all walks of life with diverse forms, resulting in great achievements in the national reform and national construction and defence.

Exhibition highlights patriotic emulation movements through periods hinh anh 2At the opening of the exhibition. (Photo: VNA)

He said the exhibition aims to affirm the significance, role and impacts of patriotic emulation movements in different historical periods, and inspiring patriotism among the Vietnamese people.

At the opening ceremony, the National Museum of History received many documents and items related to the “thousands good deeds” movement donated by Hero of Labour and People’s Teacher Nguyen Duc Thin who initiated the movement in 1963, which has widely implemented by children across the country.

Track and field athlete Nguyen Thi Oanh, the gold medalist at the recent 32nd SEA Games also presented the museum with the sports outfits that she wore during training and competitions at the sport event.

The exhibition will last until August 9./.
