Friday,  09/20/2024

Talented young artist of Xu Lang

With a passion for painting, Hoang Nhat Quang, Tay ethnic (born in 2012), lives in Chi Lang ward, Lang Son city, currently a student at Le Quy Don Primary and Secondary School, Lang Son city is one of the names highly appreciated by experts for abstract artworks. This is also the motivation for him to continue pursuing his dream of being an artist.

Admiring his talent, we went to meet and talk and see the paintings of young artist Hoang Nhat Quang. Born in a family with a tradition of painting, with a father who is an artist, a teacher of Fine Arts at Le Quy Don Primary and Secondary School, Nhat Quang showed his talent and love of drawing from a young age.

Mr. Hoang Van Diem, Hoang Nhat Quang’s father shared: When he was young, Quang often followed me to the studio, I was also very surprised by his painting ability, not thinking he would follow my profession. When I saw his interest growing, he expressed his desire to me to learn to draw. Since then, I started to buy  drawing tools for my children, fully supported his works. In addition to letting my children pursue their passions, I often remind him to balance his studies and art so that he can balance both.

Looking at Nhat Quang’s paintings, we can easily see the pure, innocent drawings from the perspective of an 11-year-old boy. The richness of topics and perspectives helps Quang to hone his skills day by day, gradually forming his abstract drawing style.

Sharing with us about the meaning of the paintings, Nhat Quang said: When drawing, I don’t stick to a rule, a technique, just draw as I feel, imagine. Usually an artist will have to draw a sketch before drawing on large sizes but I like to draw directly on large format, drawing whenever I think about it makes me more comfortable when drawing.

Hoang Nhat Quang is finishing his painting

With free and liberal draws, Nhat Quang’s paintings have been loved by many people and won many high prizes in competitions. For example, in January 2023, Nhat Quang won the second prize of the Xu Lang peach blossom painting competition organized by the Lang Son Literary and Art Association. Especially, on May 31, he won the De Men Aspiration Award of the 4th De Men Award organized by the Sports and Culture Newspaper of the Vietnam News Agency. Not only that, a series of artworks including 20 paintings participating in the De Men Aspiration Award of him was opened a solo exhibition by the Organizing Committee with the name “Hidden Souls”, the exhibition will take place from June 8 to June 18 in Ho Chi Minh City. A solo exhibition is an important milestone that any artist wishes to have in his or her creative career, it’s an honor and pride that a son of Xu Lang could do that while still at a very young age.

Commenting on her students, Mrs. To Thuy Hang, homeroom teacher of class 5A1, Le Quy Don Primary and Secondary School, Lang Son city said: Hoang Nhat Quang is a good student, sociable and always active in class and school’s movement activities. For many years in a row, he has been an outstanding student, in addition, He is very gifted with Fine Arts, for this subject, he often support his classmates in completing their paintings.

With his talent and efforts, believe that in the future, Hoang Nhat Quang not only becomes a talented artist, but also can, through those paintings, make a small contribution to helping poor students with difficult circumstances as he always wanted.