Friday,  09/20/2024

Discussing the draft plan to overcome low PAPI, SIPAS, PAR INDEX indicators and administrative reform plan

On the morning of June 8, Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee Duong Xuan Huyen chaired a meeting to discuss the draft plan to improve low indicators after the meeting analyzing Provencial Governance and Public Administration Performance Index (PAPI); Satisfaction Index of Public Administrative Service (SIPAS) and Public Administrative Reform Index (PAR INDEX) of the province in 2022; public administrative reform plan in 2023.

Member of the Standing Committee of the Provincial Party Committee, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee Duong Xuan Huyen concludes the meeting

At the meeting, the leaders of the Department of Home Affairs presented the draft plan to improve the PAPI, SIPAS and PAR INDEX; public administrative reform (PAR) plan of Lang Son province in 2023, replacing the plan No. 02/KH-UBND dated January 1, 2023 of the Provincial People’s Committee (adding goals and targets for implementation in 2023).

Accordingly, the draft plan to overcome the low-scoring indexes clearly stated that in 2023, the target would be the PAR INDEX at 85% or more and in the group of 35 provinces and cities; SIPAS at 80% or more and among 40 provinces and cities; PAPI remaining in the highest group and improving in ranking compared to 2022. The plan set out clear tasks and solutions for each indicator, attaching responsibilities to the main specialized agencies in charge of the criteria. Agencies, units and localities must complete the tasks and solutions to improve the indexes and report to the Provincial People’s Committee (through the Department of Home Affairs) on the implementation results before November 30, 2023.

Regarding the draft PAR plan of the province in 2023, it listed tasks and solutions on 7 contents (direction, administration, information, propaganda and inspection of PAR; institutional reform; administrative procedure reform; administrative apparatus organizational reform; civil service reform; public finance reform; building and developing e-government and digital government) of PAR with specific targets. For example, over 99% of administrative procedure applications received by specialized agencies at provincial, district and commune levels during the year have been processed on time and before the due date; the valid results of administrative procedures under the competence of the province, district and commune have been digitized, reaching the minimum rate of 70%, 60%, 55% respectively…

The leader of the Department of Home Affairs presents the draft plans at the meeting

Discussing at the meeting, the delegates added and clarified a number of contents related to the draft plans such as the official name of the draft plan to overcome the indicators; targets of the indicators; added the task of improving the component indexes of PAPI, PAR INDEX, SIPAS; edited some contents in the draft plan to overcome the indicators; added monthly tasks of publicizing administrative procedures in the internet…

The leader of the Office of the Provincial People’s Committee spekes at the meeting

Speaking at the conclusion of the meeting, the Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee requested the Department of Home Affairs to receive and urgently complete the draft of the two plans basing on the opinions of the delegates, submit them to the leaders of the People’s Committee for promulgation before June 12. In particular, they all agreed name of the plan on the indicators to be the Plan to improve the quality of the low-scoring PAPI, PAR INDEX and SIPAS in 2022. After the plans were officially issued, it was recommended that the departments, boards, sectors, the People’s Committees of districts and cities must complete and issue the plan before June 20, in which focusing on the roles and responsibilities of the leaders. They would be responsible for the implementation of index quality improvement of their unit before the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee.

The Department of Home Affairs (the standing agency on PAR) would help the Provincial People’s Committee urge, chair, monitor and evaluate the departments, boards, sectors, People’s Committees of districts and Lang Son city in the improvement of the indexes and report the progress to the Provincial People’s Committee in the third quarter of 2023. At the same time, the department was to review and collect problems and inadequacies in the scoring criteria to report to the Ministry of Home Affairs for adjustment.