Friday,  09/20/2024

Summary conference of the special emulation movement and awarding of the online multiple choice contest “Learning about 90 years of Traditional Day of the Provincial Party Committee”

On the afternoon of June 12, the Provincial Party Committee, People’s Council, People’s Committee, Provincial Fatherland Front Committee held a summary conference of the special emulation movement and awarded the award of the online quiz contest “Learning about 90 years of the traditional day of the Provincial Party Committee” (June 15, 1933 – June 15, 2023)”.

Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, Chairman of the Provincial Council of Emulation and Commendation delivered the opening speech at the conference.

Attending the conference were Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, Chairman of the Provincial Emulation and Commendation Council; Mr. Duong Xuan Huyen, Member of Standing Committee of Provincial Party Committee, Standing Vice Chairman of Provincial People’s Committee, First Vice Chairman of Provincial Council of Emulation and Commendation; Mr. Nong Luong Chan, Member of Standing Committee of Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of Provincial Fatherland Front Committee; leaders of departments, agencies, branches and unions of the province.

From the beginning of 2023, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee launched a special emulation movement with the theme of the Party committee, government, army and people of ethnic groups in Lang Son province uniting, creating, emulating and making excellent achievements to celebrate 90 years of the Provincial Party Committee’s Traditional Day, linking emulation movement with the implementation of activities to celebrate the 75th anniversary of President Ho Chi Minh’s appeal for patriotic emulation.

Mr. Ho Tien Thieu, Deputy Secretary of the Provincial Party Committee, Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, Chairman of the Provincial Emulation and Commendation Council awarded certificates of merit to collectives with outstanding achievements in implementing the special emulation movement in the 90th anniversary of the Provincial Party Committee’s Traditional Day

Responding to the special emulation movement, the Party Committee, authorities and people throughout the province have tried their best to emulate, have many initiatives and solutions, strive to exceed the targets and progress of the tasks. Specifically, the gross regional domestic product (GRDP) in the first six months of the year was estimated to increase by 5.32% over the same period last year; total budget revenue in the area was estimated at 4,307.9 billion VND, reaching 52.54% of the estimate, up 10.99% over the same period.

The socio-cultural field is being focused and has new development. The task of high-achieving training and competition has achieved many outstanding results, typically athlete Nong Van Huu from Lang Son Provincial Sports Competition and Training Center has made excellent achievements to win 1 gold medal and 1 bronze medal in Wushu at SEA Games 32.

Administrative reform, strengthening of administrative discipline and discipline continue to be interested in promoting implementation; Digital transformation has been implemented comprehensively and achieved many results in all fields of digital economy, digital society, digital border gate. The rate of applications received online reached 74.73%; the rate of correct and early processing of dossiers reached 99.99%. National defense – security, social order and safety are ensured, national border sovereignty is maintained.

Speaking at the conference, Mr. Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee highly appreciated the outstanding achievements and important contributions that agencies and units throughout the province have achieved.

To continue promoting the results achieved in the coming time, Mr. Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee suggested all levels, sectors, agencies and units continue to promote the emulation movement with specific targets and tasks; promote propaganda, replication of advanced examples, timely detect, support and motivate typical collectives and individuals. Along with that is to renovate the content, form and method of organizing emulation movements in the direction of focusing on the grassroots, focusing on rewarding small collectives, workers, farmers and laborers in areas with difficult socio-economic conditions. In addition, all levels, agencies and units in the province need to strengthen administrative discipline, improve administrative efficiency; promote the emulation movement “Improving the leadership capacity and combat strength of grassroots party organizations”…

Mr. Duong Xuan Huyen, Standing Vice Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee, First Vice Chairman of the Provincial Emulation and Commendation Council awarded certificates of merit to individuals with outstanding achievements in implementing the special emulation movement to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the Provincial Party Committee’s Traditional Day

On this occasion, 39 collectives and 32 individuals received certificates of merit from the Chairman of the Provincial People’s Committee for their outstanding achievements in the implementation of the special emulation movement to celebrate the 90th anniversary of the Provincial Party Committee’s Traditional Day. Leaders of the Provincial Party Committee’s Propaganda Commission awarded prizes to 55 winners in the internet multiple choice contest “Learning about 90 years of the traditional day of the Lang Son Provincial Party Committee” and awarded certificates of merit to 9 teams and 10 individuals with outstanding achievements in directing, propagating and implementing the contest.

Leaders of the Provincial Party Committee’s Propaganda Commission awarded prizes to the winners of the internet multiple choice contest “Learning about 90 years of the traditional day of the Lang Son Provincial Party Committee”