Friday,  09/20/2024

Venerable Thich Ban Chung devotes himself to charity and humanitarian work

With the spirit of “Helping those suffering, doing good deeds”, for many years, Venerable Thich Ban Chung (born in 1984), Standing Deputy Head of the Standing Committee of the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha in Lang Son province, Abbot of Tan Thanh pagoda in Van Lang district has contributed to many charitable, humanitarian and practical activities, supporting the government at all levels in implementing social welfare and health care for the community. Thereby, he was recognized and honored by the authorities and people for his noble deeds to the community.

Venerable Thich Ban Chung donates blood at the Red Journey in 2023

One of the movements that records the frequent participation of Venerable Thich Ban Chung is the voluntary blood donation. Venerable Thich Ban Chung has attended most of blood donation days organized by the Provincial Steering Committee for blood donation over the past years, he shared: “I have donated blood 19 times. Serving the Buddhadharma itself is to help people relieve their pain and have a better and happier life, blood donation is a good deed with practical meaning to help those who need blood for treatment. Donating blood harms no health, in the coming time, I will continue to join this movement.”

Not only volunteering to donate blood, in the past 5 years, Venerable Thich Ban Chung has also encouraged monks, nuns and Buddhists of the temple to join the blood donation movement. Thanks to that, 200 monks and nuns and Buddhists in the province have donated blood.

Along with his regular participation in the blood donation movement, from 2007 until now, Venerable Thich Ban Chung is also a member of the Executive Committee of the Provincial Red Cross Society, a member of the Executive Committee of the Red Cross Society of Lang Son City. Accordingly, he advised the Provincial Executive Committee of the Provincial Buddhist Sangha to coordinate with the Red Cross Society at all levels to organize many activities for the community, humanitarian aid activities, etc. For example, from 2014 to now, He has encouraged Buddhists to support the project “Porridge of love”; supported the campaign “Each organization and individual associated with a humanitarian address”, built Red Cross houses for poor households and families in difficulty; visited and presented gifts to families under preferential treatment, families in difficult circumstances… Along with that, he cooperated with the Provincial Youth Union and the Provincial Fatherland Front Committee to construct great solidarity houses, red scarf houses for the poor and students in difficulty; built An Lac bridge in villages and hamlets in difficult areas to facilitate people’s travel and trade…

Ms. Nong Bich Thuan, Chairman of the Provincial Red Cross Society said: “Over the years, health care activities for the community or charity and humanitarian movements of the Provincial Red Cross all received the companionship of Venerable Thich Ban Chung in particular and the Executive Committee of the Vietnam Buddhist Sangha in Lang Son province in general. The companionship and generous heart of the Venerable Master has contributed to the effective implementation of the Red Cross’s movements and activities in a sustainable and timely manner.”

With a noble heart and gesture, Venerable Thich Ban Chung has been rewarded by all levels of government and branches from the central to local levels in charity and humanitarian work. In which, in 2022, he was honored by the National Steering Committee for blood donation as one of the 100 typical individuals in the blood donation movement nationwide.

The good deeds of Venerable Thich Ban Chung have been inspiring and spreading kindness and compassion in the community. His every charity and humanitarian activity has added faith and hope to the difficult and the disadvantaged, to help them have better lives, together with the government at all levels to contributing to building a more prosperous and beautiful homeland.